Friday, August 31, 2012

Getting ready to go.


 Just hanging around last tuesday morning, waiting for mom and dad to get us on our way.

DSC00912It seems that we were going to the beach. There was a lot of packing and moving. Doing laundry for clean clothes to take with us. Mom went to the store a million times for food for us and new toys for us. All kinds of action was going on. I decided to just get a straw and chew on it awhile, since I am not sure what a beach is.

DSC00916Anyway, Quig was trying to snap me out of my laid back attitude. He acted like he knew where we were going and what it was. What a laugh. He didn’t have a clue. Wait until tomorrow and you see the pictures of us at the beach. Let me tell you, I at least, got my feet wet, once.
We are home, really tired now and missing one beautiful little girl. We also found out that there is a home out there for us, in case mom and dad get mad. We all know that is never going to happen, but it sure is nice to have an insurance policy.

Come back tomorrow, I promise stories and pictures of us and our girl at the beach. Now that is what love is all about.

Annie (that girl dog) and Quigulllly.

Monday, August 27, 2012

We're okay

The camera's battery died. They didn't kill us after the Uggs debacle. Mom swears it is because we are so cute. (When we sleep.) Dad thinks it is because she loves us too much. All I know is that I get nervous every time we head for the car. They are a little sneaky, if you know what I mean, with the "come on sweetie, you can do it, get into the car". It may be just me, but they seem a little too anxious for us to hit the roads these days.
As soon as the battery gets charged, I promise I'll make mom take pictures of us so you know this post is NOT a hoax.

Love, the invisible Annie and Quigley

Saturday, August 25, 2012

No one knows the rest of the story

DSC00909Okay so there are these things called UGGS. I guess they are pretty special, cause this one almost threw dad over the edge. They aren’t sure what happened and I don’t think I ought to rat us out. But I can give you a short overview, that may not get us sent back to Mississippi.

DSC00908They were a pretty color of yellow. And they smelled so much like mom, but only on the inside. What were we to do? They were a little higher than the regular shoes we like to carry around and lay on. Those we can smell her easy. It was a conundrum. She had left for a little while,we hate that so much.

And we miss her. I know that Cesar guy says we don’t have the emotions that people have, but you’ll never convince us of that.

DSC00907Anyway, they were hidden, up really high. I know mom thought they were safe. But someone, who shall remain nameless stood up on her , I mean their, hind legs and got really tall, and somehow got one of them down. It was all down hill from then on.

Dad got home a little after mom did. She just greeted us in the kitchen when she got home.  Then went to work in there, making muffins for dad. Dad on the other hand went into the living room, where Quigley was trying to hide the evidence. There was a lot of LOUD “Oh no”s coming out of his face.

We got sorry really fast. I am not sure what the big whoop was all about, they are still yellow, still smell like mom, and there is one we didn’t even see. But they are going into the trash and we were so good the rest of the day.

Today is a new day, we will try to do better. It’s a long trip to Mississippi and we don’t want to have to do that again. Sorry  is a real word and we know what it means. Whoever it was that was guilty , we’ll never tell.

The innocents,
Annie and Quigey

Thursday, August 23, 2012

We’ve graduated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It may not look like it now, but we’ve graduated to big kids and guard dogs. Last night, we went to bed at around 10:30. Cuddled up to mom and went to sleep. It was cool (mom had her 2 air conditioners on, and the fan on high-I know she’s nuts, but it makes for great sleeping)

DSC00892Anyway, dad must have fallen asleep on the couch, because we had the whole bed to ourselves. It was really late, around 2:45 in the morning, mom started to stir, a sign for us to kiss and cuddle again. She was smiling and then all of a sudden—we heard a sound, a foot on the stair, a shadow in the room. And BAM we went into action.

We jumped up, and barked, lunged at the BIG intruder. Only to  hear mom and dad say together. It’s dad/me…….Opps. any way, there we were with eggs on our faces.
The man needs to get a grip and get to bed earlier, or the guard dogs may have to stand guard again. It’s not a pretty job, but someone has to do it.
Stay safe,
Big and strong,
Annie and Quigley

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The end to the lazy, hazy days of summer.

We can smell something different in the air. Mom says it is a thing called Fall. Now we know about her fall (through the deck). We know about her telling us not to fall, running down the stairs. But it seems this fall is a season, not a happening.

DSC00905And it smells a little different around here now. And when we are on our walks, the trees look a little different. I know people think dogs don’t look up. But I guess because we are of superior intellect, we do. Annie is always looking up into our trees in the back yard. That may be because we have fruit trees and they are often throwing apples and pears at us. I always look up on top of the fridge, mom keeps our cookies there. Looking up is a good thing.

Any way we thought we better take advantage of this beautiful sunny day. We aren’t sure how long these are going to last. There is some talk about the weather changing here, getting colder and then something about snow. It seems we’ve got a lot to look forward too, but for today it sun and lounging. It’s a great life.

Love, Quigley and Annie

Sunday, August 19, 2012

A very special tree

We went on a special walk yesterday. Mom and dad wanted to see this very special tree. You see they had a friend, a wonderfully beautiful friend. Her name was Karen Roderick Tummons. Big doc and the little dogs belonged to her, like dad and us belong to mom.

DSC00900Mom’s face get’s real soft when she thinks about her, a little sad too. It seems she had to go away and leave all the people that loved her. Mom says it is a wonderful place she went to, and that she is happy there.

But she can’t help missing her, as she was such a bright spot in their lives. We never got to meet her, but mom says she would have really loved us, and she thinks she is taking care of Willy till mom and dad can get there, as Willy was one of her favorites.

DSC00901Anyway we went to see her tree. On the walk in Masontown that we love so much, her family and friends had a tree planted for her. It seems that this was one of her favorite walks too. They wanted to honor her and  help make the trail a little more beautiful. Just like she made life a little more beautiful.

So Karen, this one is for you. Ride those horses , hug China and Willy. And bless Heaven with that beautiful smile of yours. We will all walk together again some day.

Love, Quigley and Annie, Camille and John (aka mom and dad)

Friday, August 17, 2012


DSC00889There is this dark hole mom and dad go down into. Annie thinks that maybe we should just go down there with them and make sure they are safe. But I am just not too sure.

DSC00890So we wait
and wait,and wait. It seems like they are down there for hours, days, sometime even weeks. But eventually they come back up to these faces. How do they stay away?
Could you??????

Love, Quigley and Annie

Thursday, August 16, 2012

So we look like angels, and sometime we are

Not only am I beautiful, look how smart I am. I love laying in the sun, but the light in my eyes isn’t too wonderful, so I figured out a way to have my cake and eat it too.

DSC00875Annie loves the sun too, I guess because she is so light in color, it doesn’t bother her as much. Again look how sweet she is.

DSC00887And then reality hits. She is one strong little girl. She can pull me all over the floor if she decides. Okay, so maybe I let her, but still, she is STRONG. And sometimes a bully. And that brings us to our visit with Izzy.

I LOVE Izzy, without a doubt. I like to sit with her face to face, I like to run with her. I even like to kiss her. I think maybe she is my girlfriend.

But  Annie is not to crazy about her. I think she is a little jealous. She seems to think Izzy may be a cougar, since she is older than me. I have had a little talk with her, but I am not sure it is working. Mom said I don’t have to worry, my sweetie will be back, next week for sure. So little Missy is just going to have to put her big girl panties on and deal with it.

Oh young love, isn’t it wonderful.

Quigley with stars in  his eyes, and Annie, turning green.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Friendship Hill

DSC00862Well we did a HIKE. Yup, I said hike and mom even went along. She hasn’t stopped moaning about it since.

DSC00864Big doc and his pack met us, and boy did we have fun. It was really hot, and the bugs were out, but we loved it. Friendship Hill is where Albert Gallatin lived.

Okay, so we don’t know who Albert Gallatin is, but mom said he was pretty important. And then there was something about Indians in the woods. I don’t know, it sounded a little scary to me.

So after we did our hour long hike, we headed to our house. The tall ones had some kind of chicken, that smelled heavenly. We just got regular old dog food. We played with the other kids for awhile, but then this happened.




                                                                          Lots of sleep


Don’t let Cinnamon fool you, she slept first and longest. She had to because she ran off and got a little lost. Mom and big doc, went looking for her and she was okay, but boy what a girl..

You see, she found a soft place to lay when we got into the house.


This is Frenchy, isn’t she cute. That little girl can really make some noise. So these are our friends, and they are coming back soon. Tomorrow we will tell you about our visit with Izzy.
 Have a good hike today.
 Love, Quigley and Annie

Monday, August 13, 2012

Getting ready for a big day

DSC00859Mom and dad are BIG cereal eaters. Honesty, I am not sure why. It doesn’t smell all that good to us.

So I told Quig, I’d take one for the team, and check it out. I got as close as I could, but I still didn’t see the big to do.

DSC00861I backed off, figuring what’s the big whoop. We went on to have that really  BIG day. More fun than you can imagine. Too many pictures to put in this post, so they will have to wait until tomorrow. But make sure to check back. Mom said these are some of the cutest pictures ever. She always says that when we are in them. But honestly, these are great.

See you soon,
Love, Annie

Sunday, August 12, 2012

If cute is what you’re looking for----------------

Well here we are. Mom says that we look so sweet when we sleep. Soooooooooooo we try to do it as much as possible. Am so glad she took these pictures as we sometimes make her crazy, and these remind her of how much she loves us.
DSC00806I don’t need these pictures as much as Annie does. She has started the moaning and groaning when we are in the car for more than 10 minutes at a time. I go to sleep and let the tall (I say that with a smirk on my face) ones deal with her.

I think, she thinks, they are going to take her someplace else and just leave her. They keep telling her they will always bring her home, always come home, but she just doesn’t believe it. She always settles when we are heading home, so I think that is the only time she even tries to believe it.

There is talk about all of us going to the beach soon. I don’t know what the beach is, but every time the word is said, mom smiles. So I’m guessing that it’s something I want to do. I swear, if she messes this up for me. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, to the moon.

Think good thoughts for us, we are going to need them.
The very sweet and sleeping kids,
Quigley and Annie

Friday, August 10, 2012

We are not in jail

When we first came here, we, actually Quigley hated crates. Now that we don’t have to stay in them, and the door is never locked, even he, kind of likes them.


I eat all my meals in the crate, usually when I am done I get out of the crate and Quigley gets in. We like to make sure that the dog dishes truly are empty.


But for some reason today, we decided to just have a little lay down. It is nice and cozy, and even though we hate to admit it, we love each other.


See, Quigley even smiled for the picture, he was so happy.


I guess everything is relative. What use to be a cage is just a little room in our house. One that we can hide in, or eat in, or just lay together. Two pretty little dogs, happy together, in our wonderful little world.

May all your rooms be warm and cozy and may you always have someone that makes you smile.

Love, Annie and Quigley

Okay a little departing from the dogs. One day only, I promise


DSC00823This is not the place for this posting, but it was the easiest way for me to try my first tutorial. So please go easy on me. This is how the ornaments come. You can see the size .

DSC00824Opened up. You can’t tell, but there is an indentation on one side, that is where I put the tape and the circle.

DSC00825On this circle I cut a small divot in the bottom so the snow/glitter can go through the bottom some.

DSC00826You can use snow or glitter. I have a lot of this glitter so this is what I used.

DSC00828Getting the tree sized for the orni. I can’t give you dimensions as they are all different.

DSC00829Here is the tree cut out. I did 4 in all with one of them flipped.

DSC00831Thought it needed some extra dimensions, so I inked the edges.

DSC00832I used a pop up dot for the center tree. Did this  for the back one too.

DSC00833Here is how I tape the ornament. I found that without it, sometime the center would move. Being a little ocd that made me crazy.

DSC00834Putting it all together

DSC00835Top on…………………

DSC00836I tape the outside together with double side tape.

DSC00838I add the ribbon

DSC00839 And there you go. The first one took forever, but now, it’s a breeze.

DSC00840Here are a few I’ve made.

DSC00841I told you  I’m hooked.

Hope it all makes sense, and helps you in some way.


Camille in for Annie and Quigley today.