Monday, April 30, 2012


So yesterday we had our first real company. And oh my did our little darlings charm the pants off of them. My good friend and co-worker Marlene, and her daughter Stacy came to meet the newest members of the family. Stacy is in her early 20's and a really pretty girl. Quigley took one look and it was over. He couldn't take his eyes off of her and kissed her a million times, kept going belly up so she could rub his belly. I think he is somewhat fickle as he use to look at me like that. Okay so I'm not young or pretty, but I am his mom. And yes I am a little jealous.

Annie on the other hand acted correctly, she fawned when necessary, but always gave one of us a kiss too.   Now you can understand why she is the undisputed Alpha.
I called Johnna last night to report how beautifully her little ones did on their first test with new people. The next one is going to be interesting, the new vet visit. They have been to the vet's many times, but this is a new one to them, and we will get to see how they behave with lots of new dogs. That is not going to happen until next week tho, so only time will tell.

More to come..................

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Well here we are. 1 week later

Well at 6 o'clock this afternoon it will be one week, that the sir and madam have taken over ownership of the house. Actually it is really much more of a home these days.

I promised a story of how she connived to take over the bed the first night they spent with us in the bedroom. So here it goes.   After all of the sniffing and inspecting of the new area, of course they needed to check out that BIG thing in the middle of the room. So up they came, it passed inspection , and seemed worthy of there sweet bodies, so the wrestling began. Who would get the best place, who would sleep closest to mom or dad? Of course being the alfa's that we are, we let them decide. It was a warm night and we had the air on, it is a room air conditioner   so it makes a lot of noise, that is where the idea started to form. I saw a tilt of her head and then out of her little mouth, came a little bark (she doesn't do that very often) and a jump off of the bed to go inspect. And behind her goes the big lug. Once off she wouldn't let him back on the bed, and he had to sleep on the floor, on the blanket I put down for him. Don't get stressed, she didn't sleep on the bed either, she took over the couch in the bedroom, that both of them could fit on, if allowed. (Again not by us, but by her) The system seems to work, they are both happy and sleeping beautifully every night.

I know it sounds like she is a big bully ( okay maybe she is) but he totally loves her and is quite happy with the way things are. He will drop a toy in front of her just so she will take it and they can play.

Are we over the moon for them? You bet we are..............

Friday, April 27, 2012

But sometimes you have to go to the bathroom

Okay so night 2 happens. And what do you know, they are angels. John brings them up, I get a kiss or two from both of them. And then silence.  Yup, it was sleep, a long deep quiet sleep. No missing us and jumping on the bed, no need for late night kisses, just sweet, delicious sleep. BUT then-------sometimes you just have to go the bathroom. And believe me there is no slipping pass these guys, I tried. Then the joy of love came out. You could just read those really intelligent minds thinking, I love you and you must be reminded, it feeds your soul, it makes you smile. Remember you sang to my yesterday morning?  You sang  “wherever you go, whatever you do, we’re gonna go through it together.” So we will just help you with whatever you’ re gonna do. After I convinced them that it wasn’t necessary, John had to go and we danced that dance all over again. BUT when we settled down so did they. And once more they were asleep. How do they do it. It is a lesson we all need to know. Play hard, kiss who you love and then just go to sleep and let God take care of the rest.
You just gotta love these guys.
Stay tuned,
C and J

And then there was sleep

Success was obtained. As soon as zombie John came home from work, zombie Camille helped him to see if kiddies would walk the stairs. Annie figured what the heck, mom goes up there and nothing bad seems to happen to her----so up she came. Quigley on the other hand was somewhat more reserved. He had to think about it a moment, but then we all were doing it, and he is a guy that likes a good time, so slowly up he came. And then it was on, we have a baby gate to keep them off of the steps, and he was figuring he could jump it, if we would just look away.
So night came and J and the kids made there way up, no problem. We did some sniffing, some jumping off and on the bed, and then settling down happened. Annie did some really smart or should I say out smarting, but that is a story for another day. As night wore on, the two of them were sleeping side by side on a blanket on the floor. Every once in awhile, we would feel a jump, a kiss and then off again. So all in all success was obtained.

C and J

The kids arrive!

On 22 April 2012 (Sunday afternoon) Johnna and Wayne pulled up to our house with our kids. We adopted two Aussie mix dogs from Mississippi. It was love at first sight. The adventure begins.