Sunday, September 30, 2012
So on our way to Ohiopyle
The road to Ohiopyle is beautiful. You remember the song that says “Long and winding road” Well they must have been writing about this road.
It seems to go on and on, with beautiful homes and barns and these, these magnificent animals.
Usually when we pass their home, they are around a tree. We’ve taken pictures before, but none showed how really beautiful they are. We hit the jackpot yesterday. As we were going by there they were, standing close to the road.
I am not sure if you all know dad is a really good artist and one of the things he loves to draw is Horses. So this was a perfect photo op.
We aren’t sure what horses are. Are they really big dogs, or small dinosaur’s ? Whatever they are, they seemed to make mom and dad ohh and ahh. So we are guessing they are cool. They smell great too. When mom opened the window to take the pictures, we both smiled. So all around they are pretty amazing.
Hope you see something big and beautiful today.
Love, Quigley, who use to think he was big
Saturday, September 29, 2012
We are so proud of our mom
We went to Ohiopyle again today. Only this time we went to a totally different part. And once more we fell in love.
It was a beautiful cool day. The walk was bright and fun. Quigley did a lot of grazing while we walked. It seemed mom was telling him every other minute to STOP eating that stuff. Don’t worry, he’s fast, so he got more in than she wanted him to.
There were some super smells up there. We had a lock on one here, but they made us move on.
Okay now this is where we got so proud of mom. We don’t know if you know, but mom is afraid of heights. Not just a little afraid, but like majorly afraid. Big time.
Here we are on a bridge, a BIG bridge. Long and high. We started across and dad asked if mom was going to make it. At first she said yes, then seemed to stop, saying” I’m not sure if I can do this. “ Dad took over both of us and mom held on to his arm. And she soldiered on.
On the way back, she even took these pictures. You have to admit it’s beautiful. You can’t see very well, but there were rafters on the water. Now that is what mom call’s brave.
This was on the other side of the bridge, it’s a really beautiful walk. And even though mom was scared, she said we could do it again next week, if the weather holds on to being so beautiful.
She also figures that the trees may all find their color. We sure did pick a great place to live, don’t you think?
Here’s to having a brave mother and a father who loves you enough to walk you even when his back hurts.
Talk to you soon,
Love, Annie
Thursday, September 27, 2012
We’ve got a new friend
Well at least mom and dad do. She has been adopted by Miss Sandy. And I’m afraid if mom see’s her again, we may have to go to the jail and bail mom out. I swear she wants to steal her.
Her name is Aria, and she is just 10 weeks old. That is one of the reasons we haven’t met her already.
She is tiny and cute, and sweet and lets mom hold her close. I am not sure she’s going to be a favorite of mine, she’s a little TOO cute and sweet.
This is the toy we bought for her, it seems she likes it a lot.
I don’t know if you noticed, but there are NO pictures of us in this post. Wonder why we are a little nervous?
We haven’t been the best kids lately, and now there is this little bundle of joy………………
I mean really, is this too cute or what?
I hope Miss Sandy keeps a close eye on her.
Don’t need the competition, can’t really compete with that face.
I’m going to try to be better,
Love Annie
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Did you see the size of my feet.
So I’m taking a nap this morning. My normal routine is I get up with mom. Go outside, do my business, and then take a nap until dad is ready to take us for a walk.
I’m doing what I always do, when this morning I hear mom laughing and saying “Did you see the size of those feet?” Of course I didn’t think she was talking about me. But then, there was a flash. She took a picture of my feet. Really----I am a big boy, I need those feet.
Sometime she is just sooooooo judgmental.
Have a dry day,
Love, big foot Quigley
It’s okay, my feelings aren’t too hurt.
Monday, September 24, 2012
I found my voice….
I have been here for 5 full months. Oh what a wonderful time it’s been. And with any luck (and a lot of help from the good Lord), I plan on being here for many, many, many more years.
But something new has happened. In the last few days, I found my voice. It is a strong and vibrant voice (mom says it is just plain old loud). I found that I can let them know if I want out or if I want Annie to leave me alone. If there is something outside that annoys me.
Annie has a voice too, but it’s more of a yap. Or a whine. She does a girl thing, make them think she is crying, just so she can get some attention.
I had a good laugh early this morning. She likes to sleep on top of the parents heads and it seems the bed moved away from the window wall and she kind of slid partway between the wall and bed.
She didn’t think it was funny, mom either. Okay mom laughed a little at first and then saved her.
What a great way to start the day.
Loud and proud, Quigley
Sunday, September 23, 2012
I know this was picture heavy, but so worth the wait.
Now does this look like a creek to you? That is what they call this place-Dunlap Creek. Go figure. Whatever it is, whatever it’s called, we LOVE LOVE LOVE it.
Yesterday I told you about the ducks and geese, well, these really aren’t geese.
They are really beautiful white ducks. This must be their home, as this is where they were yesterday. Now lets be honest, we wanted to chase them in the water, but the stick in the muds (better know as mom and dad) wouldn’t let us.
Mom did a lot of chasing us from behind trying to get some good pictures. She took 88, so hopefully some of these will be good.
It’s hard to tell how clear the water is, but you can see straight down.
Beautiful, just beautiful.
Some more ducks, a little too far out to get a good picture. But mom keeps trying.
Quigley did not mind how cold it was outside, he ran and swam, and just had an all around good time.
Here he is trying to tempt me in, but you know I’m a little smarter than he gives me credit for. That water is cold.
But as always, he can convince me of all kinds of silly things.
Once I got in, I realized it was a lot more fun to do than to watch.
You know my mom has no class. Did she really take a picture of me peeing in the water?
We have no idea what this plant is, but both mom and dad loved it, so a picture was taken.
A few more views of this expansive lake.
More ducks, can you believe it? The whole walk around the water is a mile and a half. We are all tired, except maybe dad, but we all want to go again.
Hope you liked our pictures, a video may follow.
Love, one very tired Annie
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Mom forgot the camera.
There will be pictures tomorrow, cause we are going back.
We went to a place called Dunlap Creek. But believe you me, this was no creek. It looked like a lake. There were fish, and ducks and two beautiful white geese. We got to go into the lake, ohhh what fun. And then the best part, Quigley got loose.
There was yelling and calling. laughing and a very crazed dad, trying to catch him. (That is NEVER gonna happen) He went flying over the hill and back up again. Mom started the who wants a cookie deal and he came running back, right to her and then pass her. He finally stopped on his own, happy as a clam.
Hopefully tomorrow we will do something wonderful for mom to take pictures of, but either way, we will have a wonderful time. It's really pretty, and may be our favorite place.
So until tomorrow, be happy.
There's a little wet dog smell around here, but no one seems to mind.
Love, Annie and a very tired Quigley
Friday, September 21, 2012
We use to have a beautiful garden.
When we first came home, to our forever home, our back yard was a beautiful garden. Lots of lush, green, ferns. Beautiful trees, and green, green grass.
The first thing our other mom (Johnna) said was, “Oh my, this poor yard” Mom laughed and said,”Oh but we have dogs again, who cares”
This is what is left to the ferns-----------now remember we had a really hard summer. It was super hot and super dry. So not all of this is our fault.
But these sticks, still work as a hiding place. Sissy and I can run and hide and the two leggers can’t find us.
Eventually we come out. And give dad some big wet kisses, just so he will clear the way with mom.
It seems Annie gives sweeter kisses than I do, look at the smile on dad’s face
. We have calmed down a bit. Mom seems a little happier. But have no fear, tomorrow is another day. I’m sure we can stir the pot again.We so love getting cranked up.
Annie and Quigley, playing hide and seek