I may need some help here. I am only a year and a half old and already I find dad needs a little talking too.
Here is the background story. Mom and I like to go to bed before dad and Annie. We go up, turn on the tv. We then cuddle down for some giggles and belly rubs,(my belly not hers). Before you know it, I’m asleep. That big bed is nice and comfy for a guy of my size. I can put my head on the pillow next to mom and stretch out, wooo it’s nice.
But then (this is where the talking comes in) at some ungodly hour, dad thinks it is his turn to come to bed. Now I don’t mind that too much, Annie sleeps on top of heads on a pillow all of her own, and him, well he just needs to find some room somehow. As soon as I hear him coming I make sure to get back on MY pillow and, well-- he is on his own. Honestly, I think mom likes it, cause I hear her laugh, when he try’s to get into bed.
I am not sure why he grumbles so much, I was there first. I do hear him say things like “this is my side Quigley (who does he think he’s kidding, it’s mine now) move over Quigley, I need my pillow Quigley, blah, blah, blah. So if anyone want’s to jump in and tell him how unfair he is being, please be my guest.
Makes it hard for a dog to get a good nights sleep.
Stretch out and put your head on a soft pillow, it does a heart good.
Love, Quigley