Last night we were talking and I asked brub if he knew what tomorrow (today) was. He is really beautiful, but it’s a good thing he has me to think for him, cause he didn’t have a clue.

So I gave him a little tug on his foot and said, it’s the day our other mother Johnna was talking about. The year mark. It’s that day, a day called an anniversary. I heard mom and dad talking once, about how we could go back to Mississippi within a year. Personally I think they were talking out of their butts (whoops, can I say that?),who do they think they were fooling, we weren’t ever going anywhere.

But now we can do whatever we want, we made it to our anniversary. They CAN’T send us back. Woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now listen,you have to act like we aren’t aware of the new circumstance. We have to act like it is just another regular day.

Although I think we deserve a party or something.

Maybe we will get a cake? Probably not, they are so fussy about what we eat.

I have to say, I love you brub. And before we forget-- here’s a great big thank you to our other momma, Johnna, for finding our forever home. And Shelli for making it all happen. We owe you both a lot.
It official, they can’t send us back. Although I figure it would take more than a year to wretch us out of our mom and dad’s heart’s. They love us more than any one knows.
And thanks to all of you, for coming to hear what our year has been like.
We love you all, we love each other, and we love our people.
Here’s to another year, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh wonder what it will bring.
Much love, from a very happy Annie and Quigley
Settled in their forever home, forever……………..