Saturday, June 29, 2013

I have an excuse.

DSC02310Okay so if you remember yesterday, the parents weren’t exactly happy with me.You know the barking in the middle of the night and making them get up and all.
Well mom noticed that I was just not myself yesterday morning. I was fidgety and just couldn’t seem to find a comfortable place. I kept stretching and laying down and getting up and laying down,and-- oh well you get the idea. I had her a little crazy. She gets so upset if she thinks there is something wrong with me or sissy. After a while I did settle down, and so, of course, did she.
I was eating fine,and then dad came home, and we went on our walk. The reason for my not being myself became clear. I had a great time on our walk and then I did my business (you know what I mean) and it was something dad called diarrhea. I never heard that word before cause I never had it before. It really upset the most over protective mother and when we got home and I was fidgety again  she went crazy. They gave me something pink to swallow, and it seemed to help. Mom said she won’t be happy until our walk this morning and everything is back to normal. If it’s not she is calling big Doc. I don’t want to be sick, but I sure miss my girls and wouldn’t mind seeing them again. Mom said she doesn’t think that is going to happen though.
Oh well, at least no one is mad at me anymore. Oh yeah they think I was stealing blueberries off our bush, but I’m not fessing up.
Have a happy day,
A better feeling,

Friday, June 28, 2013

I’m sorry.

DSC02311I had a little lapse of judgment. It was a mistake and I am oh so sorry.
Here’s what happened. Last night, more like VERY early this morning. I needed to talk. And when I talk they, the one’s who were mad at me, say I sound like Scooby Do. So-- very loudly and very insistently I started to speak to the ones who were asleep.
This is what I was saying. I need to go out. Hey you two, I said I need to go out. Really now, what is keeping you. In between my very insistent words I was hearing, Quigley, stop it. Quigley be quiet, Quigley go back to sleep.
But I was not giving up. Finally at 3:40, mom said she’d get up. Dad has to work today and she knew he needed his sleep. But geeze what about my needs? So up she gets and out we go. Now sissy went too, doesn’t ever want to be left behind.
We came back in and mom made us go back to bed. Well it wasn’t very long after that, that I realized she didn’t feed us. Now when we get up in the morning, we go out and always eat our breakfast.  Soooooooooooooo I started to talk again. I think this is when I went too far.
They both told me, much too loudly in my mind, to be quiet. They even covered their heads with a quilt. But after a long time, (in my mind) I started to complain again. Finally dad got up and took us down stairs. As we were leaving I heard mom say, DO NOT FEED THEM. I was hoping he didn’t hear, but he did. So we still had to wait to eat.
But I think I learned my lesson, I am going to try NOT to wake them again. And as you can see-I’m sorry.
Now you tell me. Could you stay mad at that face?
A very loud and sad Quigley

Thursday, June 27, 2013

It’s so nice having your best friend always near.

DSC02306Well we went for our walk, but it was so hot and humid (humid is mom’s word, we really don’t know what that means) So we only went around the ball park once.
DSC02307And because of that we still had a little energy left over, so we did our dance. I go belly up and wiggle like a little worm. Brub acts like he is on the prowl and has found a lost little lamb. We then take turns grabbing each other's throats. We even make funny noises. Mom use to think that sometimes we got carried away.
DSC02308But as you can see, when we are done playing no one is hurt or unhappy. I have to admit as Brub was walking by, I wanted to take a little grab on that leg, but that silly pink thing showed up in my face. It seems like I always get nailed.
Here’s to a dry day and may your best friend always be near.
Remember if you can’t find them, we are always here for you,
Love, belly up Annie and Quigley the fierce

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Ahhhhhh it was a mistake.


DSC02283So when I get up in the morning, I like having the parents close by my side. But once in awhile, they just don’t seem to agree. Go figure……

Mom went to bed early last night, no one knows why, but that meant, we had to go to bed early. She just can’t be up there alone. It’s way up on the third floor and she may get lonely or scared. So it is our duty as protectors of the house to stand guard. Actually we lay guard. As close to her as we can get.

But that being said, come early this morning, I was ready to get up. Dad was ready to get up, sissy was ready to get up. But mom, well, she was just settling in for her second round of sweet dreams.

NOT---it’s morning and we have things to do. Like eat and go out and get ice cubes and THEN it’s time for a nap before our walk.

Sometimes she just forgets. So I helped this morning and I did my Scooby Do impersonation. Well let me tell you that woke her up. Lucky for me, she got a really nice email from one of her classmates from the other night. Thanks Andrea, you saved my sorry butt, at least that’s what mom said.

Well, we are off for our walk, even if it is raining and then time for a nap.

Here’s to your day being dry, your naps being long and your friends always saving your butt.

Love, the sorry but adorable,


Monday, June 24, 2013

Friendship Hill


DSC_1750This land once belonged to Albert Gallatin. Mom said it once was full of Indian’s. I’m not sure what breed of dog that is, but I sure would like to meet one. Mom just told me that Indian’s aren’t dogs and that I’m being silly. Sorry……

DSC_1753We love this place, it smells good, it feels good and we can run hard, well

DSC_1754at least as far as out long leashes allow.

DSC_1762When we saw this hollow log, we got really excited. Can you just imagine the wonderful smells inside of it? The parents wouldn’t let us inspect it, sometime they are just a little too over  protective.

DSC_1766Annie was trying to trick mom into letting her take a walk all by herself, but that never works. It just makes mom crazy (er) and Annie sad. So we just wandered along the trails and enjoyed the day.

Here’s to your trails being sweet smelling and your days long.

The Friendship Hill explorers,

Quigley and Annie

A little walk into the past.


DSC_1687Yesterday, we went on a hike. BUT dad hasn’t downloaded the pictures yet. So we decided to share a little bit of mom’s past.

We can’t believe she was ever so little, but that is her, the little girl with the braids.

She isn’t sure how old she was in this picture, but she was with some of her best friends. And she was at St. Mary’s school. What fun, I wish we knew her then……

Love, with promises of more pictures tonight, when dad gets home from work.

Annie and Quigley

Sunday, June 23, 2013

It was a sad time for us.


DSC02237Mom and dad left us last night. We knew something was up, when they got dressed fancy. They NEVER do that. And mom put on shoes we NEVER saw before.

They both looked real pretty and smelled good too. So off they went without a how do you do…..

This is the back story. Mom went to a school called St. Mary’s. It was a small, catholic school, that in her memory was huge. She went there for 8 years with pretty much the same 40 kids. They were very close those kids but hadn’t seen each other for the last 50 years. Until last night.

Two of her classmates, Ricky Snyder and Bobby Dvorchak  decided that they could make a reunion.Okay, now we are just dogs, so we aren’t sure what a reunion is, unless it is the way we felt when they finally came home.

Mom got to see so many of her old friends. Dad took lots of pictures. She said she can’t remember the last time she smiled so much. And something about crying happy tears too. She told dad how happy she was to not have missed it. He wanted to know what “it”. She said the reunion and her childhood. She was so blessed with the one she got. What with the special kids she grew up with, the nuns that guided her and a mother who made it all happen. Sometime you just can’t deny, Life is Good.

Well they are home and life, as we know it, is back to normal. But mom’s life, well, I think it might just be a little sweeter.

Here’s wishing you all, the reunion of your dreams. May all your old friends remember you with the love, that mom remembers her’s. And may all your days be filled with love,

The very satisfied, (that they are back and we aren’t letting them out again)

Annie and Quigley

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Remember this????


DSC02285This was just ugly.

DSC02282I wanted you to know that this is what I really look like. What is wrong with that women?

Love, the REAL, Annie

Wednesday, June 19, 2013



DSC02283Mom is obsessed with noses. She seems to work at getting just the right angle to make our noses look so long. Now, we are quite the handsome couple. People say it all the time. Oh what pretty dogs, oh I love your dogs, little kids say hi pretty puppies.

DSC02285But, really, would you look at this. WHAT WAS SHE THINKING. Oh yeah, she said I moved just as she was taking the picture. But I have my doubts. I think she is just a little sadistic.

Have pity on us, we really are pretty little dogs.

Love, the noses

I mean Quigley and Annie

Monday, June 17, 2013

A few more pictures—as promised.


DSC_1547I like to call this picture, Me and MY Shadow—walking down the Browns Run Trail. Okay, I know it’s a little corny, but it’s early in the morning here.

DSC_1587This is the part of the trail that leads down to the swimming area. Isn’t it beautiful?

DSC_1590And this caught our eye when we were walking out of that same trail. We thought it looked really yummy, but the parents wouldn’t let us near it. Mom thought it looked like a beautiful flower, dad said it was a mushroom. We were so glad to be able to see such a pretty thing, even if they wouldn’t let us eat it.

Here’s to you getting to eat anything pretty you see along the trail of life. As long has your people aren’t as picky as ours are. And having all your trails be beautiful.

Happy day, from the dogs who love you the most,

Quigley and Annie.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

So later in the day---

DSC_1546We went to Masontown. To Browns Run Trail. As you all know we love this place. Even the parents enjoy this walk. It’s green and beautiful with a creek running along most of it. So you hear water, running as your breathing in the fresh air.
DSC_1550Mom always carries water with us, well actually dad carried it yesterday along with his fancy pants camera. This is my favorite way to drink water. I love to have it cold out of the bottle with a little side of mom.
DSC_1584But then we got into the true reason we love to go to BRT is the place where we can get into the water. Mom wants you to know she really tried to get a movie of us swimming, but she can’t figure out that fancy pants camera of dad’s. So sorrowfully this is all she got. But believe me, I Annie the Olympic swimmer, swam like a champ.
DSC_1559Quig prefers to run and jump through the water. He leaps and bounds and just loves the feel of the cold water, on his feet..
DSC_1572We also like to get a little cold mountain water to drink.We think of it as our own watering hole. This is a really great place. We will be sharing more pictures either later today or tomorrow. Between dad and mom they took 84, and some of them are really cool.
Happy Fathers day to all you dad’s out there. I hope your pups are happy and healthy and you get as many beggin strips as you want……oh jeez, I meant Bacon Strips…….
Love the silly, happy, wet,
Annie and Quigley

Saturday, June 15, 2013

This is a day dreams were made of…..


DSC02268It is one BEAUTIFUL day in Uniontown, Pa. I gotta tell you. The sun is out, dad is off, (don’t tell anyone, but mom says dad is off all the time---his rocker that is. ha ha ha)

DSC02269We have spent a lot of time outside today, it’s not so hot as to make you sweat, just hot enough to make you smile.

DSC02271Okay, here I am just enjoying myself, getting a little back rub. I make Quigley crazy when I do this. He so wishes I had more decorum.

DSC02276So off he goes trying to shield his eyes from all this glory. Also, he loves to eat the high grass over by the garage. That is bamboo he is hiding in. Pretty huh?

DSC02277He is trying to convince us that he is just trying to get some shade.

DSC02278Well I showed him, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. I am going to get a little grazing in myself.

DSC02281Here he is trying to get protection from our St. Francis statue. It makes sense since he, St. Francis loves animals. And honestly, sometimes Quigley is so silly, he needs protection.

Well, we are off for our afternoon stroll.

We hope all is sunny and dry and coolish where you are. Know that we thank you for coming to visit as often as you do, and that we’re crazy about all of you.

Have a wonderful afternoon,

The grass eating duo,

Annie and Quigley.

Friday, June 14, 2013

We’re keeping our eyes on you.


DSC02266So our mom has had a very busy week. And we have to be honest, we don’t like that too much. Every day this week, she has left us or been too busy to sit with us. Oh sure, she makes sure we have our walks and food and a raw hide  every time she leaves. But leaves is the operative word. We hate that. We want to get into the car every time she does. Does that seem so wrong?

DSC02267Well today, it seems she is staying home. But we don’t quite trust it, so we WILL not let her out of our sights. She sat down for the first time today and here we are watching her. She’ll not get away from us again.

Hoping all is well with you and the people you love stay close enough for you to see them all the time.

We hear Niles is doing a little better, so please keep those prayers up for him and his two leggers.

We love you all, even if we can’t see you,

Quigley and Annie

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Mom had company.

DSC02256So yesterday morning, mom kept saying that we were getting company. AND that we had to be good. Easier said than done. Mom says that we are getting worse not better about new people. Oh we’re not mean or anything, we just LOVE everyone so much. And we want to prove it by kissing everyone. Now to do that we MUST jump up. I’m beginning to believe that people aren’t that crazy about jumping. But honestly, we just can’t help ourselves. As you can see here, I did calm down  and Joe and I got to bond some.
Mom tried to get a better picture, but we’re on to her, when she gets that pink thing out. We get out of her way.
All in all, we had a really nice time, and mom and Joe laughed a lot about when they were  kids.
DSC02257Here is the other thing going on in our little world. We have baby birds. Mom only caught one waiting for food, but she has seen three. Stay tuned for more pictures as our birdies grow.
One more thing. We are requesting prayers for our dog cousin, Niles. He is going to need Chemo. He is a beautiful old English sheep dog. And his people LOVE- LOVE- LOVE him. So we want to help him feel better really soon. Your prayers helped Quigley and now we’d like you to help him.
Hang in there Niles, we are with you in heart and prayers.
May all your prayers be answered today and everyday,
Love, the jumping junkies,
Quigley and Annie.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Sometime I am a desk.


DSC02250People think I’m spoiled. Ha, does this look spoiled to you???????? There are times I have to do multiple things. Tonight I had to help dad with the bills. He actually used me as a desk……..CAN YOU BELIEVE IT??? The things a girl has to do, to have a pillow to lay on.

Oh well I guess they are worth it.

Hope your bills are paid and you have enough money left over to spoil someone you love……

Love,  Annie and Quigley

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Oh boy did I have fun…..


DSC02244So I took mom and dad for a long walk yesterday. We went out to Hopwood where they have a wonderful creek.

DSC02245We often like to go down and have a little sip of fresh mountain water. Usually we just take a stroll and then, run up the hill and walk around the park one more time.


DSC02247But yesterday was different. I went crazy in the water. It was cool and fresh, high enough to run like the wind. Now let me tell you that was a little hard, since dad won’t let us off the leashes and they only go so far. But I frolicked. Yup that is what it was……frolicking…….and I had so much fun.

I’m not sure if you can see how wet I was, but they wouldn’t let me in the house until I was dried off. But as you can see, I was pretty happy and didn’t mind at all.

Hope that today you can find a creek, with clean mountain water that you can run in, sip of and just plain old frolic.

From one really happy boy, to all the people he loves,

Quigley, with really wet feet.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

It’s such a rainy day.


DSC02182Well, it’s really rainy here today. Dad did suck it up, as mom likes to say, and took us on our walk anyway. Once we got home, there really isn’t anything to do.

So I took one of the toys that Annie likes to pretend belongs only to her. And decided to play, all by myself.

The weekend is coming and we are hoping that the sun will come out, so we can do something cool.

You guys stay dry today and if you’re bored, come on over, we can play.


Quigley, the BIG guy……

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

They never stay mad……


DSC02239And can you blame them? Look how cute we are. Anyway, the sheet was taken away, I’m not sure what happened to it, (boy I hope that doesn’t happen to me…) A new one showed up, (yikes, I hope that doesn’t happen to me either). And all seems to be well.

Brub and I are just hanging out here on the couch. Had a couple of walks today, lots of runs in the yard and ate our normal 4 times, (yup I said 4). So it’s napping time. Why do we eat 4 times a day you ask. Well that is brub’s fault. You see when we first got here, we ate 2 times a day. Just like when we were at momma Johnna’s house. But brub would eat so fast, some times it would just come back up. So mom figured if we ate less-- more often it would stay down. And it works. My weirdness is, I hate to drink water. At least clean water in the house. Dirty water outside, I LOVE. So to get more clean water in me, mom adds water to our dry food, so we both get what we need.

Okay you can say it, cause I can hear you thinking it. We Are Spoiled. And we love it.

Hope your bowls are full of food you like, your water is clean, and you are loved as much as us.

Happy, sleepy, sunny day,

Love, the safely sleeping,

Annie and Quigley

Monday, June 3, 2013

I'm hiding------

No picture today, because I'm hiding. Oh boy, I'm in trouble again. You see, it's like this. The bedroom door to our bedroom ( mine and Quig's as well as mom and dad) usually stays open. At least until yesterday morning. Now for some reason, it stays closed.
I like to go up there for my naps, early morning, mid morning, after lunch, early afternoon, well you get the idea. So after my first or second nap, mom came up to do her face, as she likes to say. And I had seemed to mess the bed a little, so she was fixing it, and I heard her yell. Annie, What did you dooooooooooooooooo?
I wasn't too sure what she was talking about, but I high tailed it out of there anyway. It seems they don't appreciate my redesigning of their sheets. It smelled just like dad, and I started licking it, and then got a little carried away. Okay, I may have chewed it some, alright a lot. There is quite a nice size hole in it, but I think it looks new and snazzy.....
But that's why I'm in hiding.

Surely they will forget about it soon.....
Love, don't tell where I am,

Saturday, June 1, 2013

I’m going to let you in on a little secret.


DSC02233This is it. The pose that gets me everything I want.

Attention, this pose.

Treats, this pose.

Ice Cubes, this pose. And a belly rub, well that’s a no brainer……

DSC02234I did this in the first few minutes that mom and I met. I heard her go Awwwwwwww  and made a sigh. She got all soft, and then I knew-- I had her. So when it is necessary, this is what I do.

I don’t abuse this power, really. Like I said, just when it’s necessary.

Have a wonderful Saturday. And remember, when you go belly up, make sure it’s for a good cause.

Love, Annie the dog who knows the secret.