Well mom noticed that I was just not myself yesterday morning. I was fidgety and just couldn’t seem to find a comfortable place. I kept stretching and laying down and getting up and laying down,and-- oh well you get the idea. I had her a little crazy. She gets so upset if she thinks there is something wrong with me or sissy. After a while I did settle down, and so, of course, did she.
I was eating fine,and then dad came home, and we went on our walk. The reason for my not being myself became clear. I had a great time on our walk and then I did my business (you know what I mean) and it was something dad called diarrhea. I never heard that word before cause I never had it before. It really upset the most over protective mother and when we got home and I was fidgety again she went crazy. They gave me something pink to swallow, and it seemed to help. Mom said she won’t be happy until our walk this morning and everything is back to normal. If it’s not she is calling big Doc. I don’t want to be sick, but I sure miss my girls and wouldn’t mind seeing them again. Mom said she doesn’t think that is going to happen though.
Oh well, at least no one is mad at me anymore. Oh yeah they think I was stealing blueberries off our bush, but I’m not fessing up.
Have a happy day,
A better feeling,