Monday, September 30, 2013

This is one of our parks.



DSC_1917The weather in Pennsylvania is amazing these days. And no one complains about our walks. The sky is blue and the sun is out and it’s NOT too hot, (the, not too hot stuff, comes from mom).

DSC_1954One of the reasons we like to walk there is, the smells. Lots of animals come though our park, it smells like big ones as well as small ones. The weather has really pumped us up too, we have lots more energy and seem to need to run more. No problem though, we’ve got that big back yard to tear up (I mean) tear around in…….

DSC_1959Anyway, back to the park. Pretty, isn’t it.  They say our leaves will be changing soon. I’m not sure that thrills us so much, we don’t like change. But mom promises it will be pretty, so when that happens we’ll post more pictures to make you smile.

Hope your leaves are pretty and your walks are long.

We love you,

Annie and Quigley

Friday, September 27, 2013

So late last night,


DSC02576We love to sleep. I mean really, in this house there are lots of soft places, pillow’s every where. Mom’s even pulled out the soft blankets that are on the couch’s, beds and for us on the floor.

DSC02577So sleeping is a big thing around here. Mom and dad do all of their stuff, but us, if we’re not eating,  or walking, or tearing a toy apart, we like to sleep.

DSC02578But the reason, we are soooooooooooooooo tired this morning is that late, late last night, (mom said it was 1:30 in the morning) the phone rang.Now we don’t know about everybody, but our mom hates the phone ringing in the middle of the night. She said it scares her, and no one wants that. It was a wrong number and to make matters worse, the guy laughed at her when she said he had the wrong number and it was 1:30, not to call again.

DSC02579So then she had to go to the bathroom, (between you and me, I think that call scared something out of her). And so then I had to go to the bathroom, but mine is outside, so we had to go down the stairs and let me out. Now honestly, I didn’t have much trouble going back to sleep, but it took mom a little while to go back to sleep. So we’re gonna nap a lot more today, so she doesn’t get too frustrated and acts sad.

Here’s to you never getting a wrong number, either in the day time or in the middle of the night. And know we’d never laugh if we were the ones making the call.

Love, a comfy, sleepy, lovey,

Quig, and his little sister (who never got up to help mom at all) Annie

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Did we hear you say “Walk”?


DSC02569It’s early in the morning. Usually the time dad takes us for our first walk. He’s playing his tank game, but we swear we heard mom and him talking about “the walk”.

DSC02572I came over to mom to see if she could make him hurry up, but all she could say was how beautiful I am……. She said, if the eyes are the mirror to the soul, my soul is perfect.

DSC02573But did you notice my nose? Look at that line. Mom noticed it about a week ago. (She rubbed at it every time she saw it, thinking I had something stuck to my regal nose) She now thinks it got scratched somehow (Annie) and hopes it will heal on it’s own. Our vet, big Doc will think she’s gone over the edge if she calls and want’s him to look at a scratch on my nose.

I don’t know, I think it gives a little character to my face. What do you think?

Have a wonderful day, don’t let any little scratch mess it up.

Love to you all,

As mom likes to say,

the most beautiful Quig.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Just call me sunshine boy.

DSC02563It doesn’t matter where I am, where I lay,or where the sun starts out. It seems I draw the sun to me. Mom says that its because I’m such a good, happy, bouncy boy.
I don’t know if you’ve heard, but I don’t walk, I bounce. My ears flop, my hair flops and my feet well they have a life all of their own. It makes mom laugh all the time, so I’m guessing it’s a good thing.
DSC02565She said even when I sleep, I make her smile and call the sun to shine, well at least on me.
I know I’ve been laying low for awhile, it’s just that Annie has been doing all the note worthy stuff. Me, I’ve just been me, silly, happy, pretty boy, Quig.
Wishing you a day that all the people you love, make you smile. All the people you love are only a sunray away.
Remember, we love you, both sunny and rainy times. And if you need a smile, just give me a call.
Quigley, the are you sure I’ve only got 4 legs (?) dog.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I know it’s been awhile,


DSC02561but you guys just don’t know how hard it is to write a blog. Brub isn’t much help, dad just smiles when I moan, and mom, well she’s getting a little older and her brain just isn’t as good as it use to be.

DSC02562So It all falls on my little head.

Here I am, getting ready to post this morning and you can tell, I’m struggling . It’s a cold morning in Uniontown and it’s foggy. Mom says these are the days to stay in bed, but she makes us all get up anyway. So I nap wherever I can.

I wish you a warm bed, maybe a pillow instead of a keyboard to rest your head, and a mom that will let you sleep in.

Heavy is the head that wears the crown,

Love and hugs,


Thursday, September 12, 2013

They came back…….


DSC02553Look at what mom found. It’s our dishes. They are back. And she was forced to say she was sorry. Forced to say it wasn’t our fault. She found them on top of the big crate, where she says (?) she looked a million times.

DSC02555As you can see, I was not impressed. I had a dish to eat out of, a bowl to drink from , so what’s the big flip? Cousin Tee told mom she owes us an apology. I just want a cookie.

DSC02557I’m still waiting for both, but who knows today is another day and we can hope.

Have a wonderful day, where you find whatever it is that is lost. Anyone come across green wine glasses? If so send them to cousins Tee and Marie. That’s what they are looking for.

As for us, today, all we are looking for are a few walks and lots of love.

Love, Annie the innocent.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Look who came to visit yesterday.


DSC02546Mom got really excited when she saw this praying mantis. She said that her Uncle Leonard, Our great uncle,said they were good luck. So she smiled and talked to it through the window. At one point it looked at her and gave her the “eye” for taking so many pictures, so she stopped. But it made her happy and made her think of Unc.

I wish we knew earlier that all we had to do was give her the “eye” and she’d stop taking pictures of us…. Oh well, we’ll put that into our memory bank for future times.

Wishing you a lucky bug, a happy day and a long walk.

All things we love.


Annie and the big Quig

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

You looking at Me?


DSC02542I swear, they never take their eyes off of me. I can’t seem to do anything without that silly pink camera being stuck into my face. If I’m sleeping, holding on to my toy (I have to do this or the stinker who took our dishes away may take it too.)

DSC02543Anything….. here I am early morning.

I like to rise early. I sleep all night, so I’m not sure what the problem is, when between 4 or 5, I want to go out and relieve myself. So I whine and fuss, and carry on until one of them gets up. This morning, I carried on until I got both of them up.

So of course I need a little nap after relieving and eating and just being me.

DSC02544But here it is, that silly pink thing one more time. So I’ve got to ask-----ARE YOU LOOKING AT ME?

Have a happy day, stay cool, mom says it is going to be killer hot here today. And just so you know, as long as it’s you. I’m glad your looking at me.

Love the vocal and sometimes fussy,


Thursday, September 5, 2013

Touching the one I love.


DSC02541Oh I know they say I’m a bit of a bully. Always pushing people where I want them to go. Always pulling mom where I want to go. Yelling (that is barking) at strangers who just don’t make the grade as a friend.

But this is the real me, sleeping peacefully. Head under the couch, (making sure those silly dishes aren’t there) touching my brub. The boy I love and need to protect.

I’m just a little girl in love.

Hope you can always touch the one you love the most. And that you always find your dog dishes.

And no they haven’t…..

Love a very sweet Annie and her boy

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Honestly, we didn’t do it……


DSC02535They are still looking for those silly bowls. But I swear, I didn’t do it.

DSC02537And it looks like Annie didn’t do it either.

DSC02538This is under one of the couches, nothing there but dust. Oh that made mom a little crazy. But she got new swiffer towels so she’ll take care of that real soon.

DSC02540Anyway, I’m tired of being accused. I’m innocent, I swear…….. Again, just look at this face.

Love, the most put upon, Quigley and Annie.

Here’s hoping all your dishes are where they  belong.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

This is what they look like now.


DSC02534So yesterday morning when we got up and had breakfast, we had matching silver bowls. We really  liked these bowls, apparently so did mom and dad.

You see, after we ate, they went to a place they call Sam’s. Now we don’t know this Sam guy and think it’s pretty stinky that they couldn’t take us along. Anyway off they went and were gone a long time.

When they got back home, if was feeding time, but something was wrong. They couldn’t find our dog dishes. Oh they searched and searched. They kept saying “what did you guys do with your dishes.” Not only did we not know what they were talking about, but we weren’t talking. They searched and searched. Dad even got down on his knees and crawled around at our eye level. They went through every room, took the comforters out of our crates, went upstairs looking under beds, the whole nine yards. Nothing, nadda, they are gone.

Now, we are getting blamed, just because we were the only ones here when they disappeared.  We aren’t talking but that doesn’t mean we are guilty.

Remember what sweet looking little guys we are. Anyway, these are the dishes we have now. Not as pretty, but they work. Dad wanted to go buy us new ones, but the big Meany said these will have to do.

If they ever find our fabulous hiding place, we will let you know. Until then, we know nothing…..

Love, the most innocent Annie and Quigley