Tuesday, November 12, 2013

I’m so excited……

20131112_085244_resizedMom said it would, and it did.------ It snowed……..This is my most favorite time of the year. I love to run in it, lay in it and especially eat it. When dad and I went for our walk this morning I’d take a step, and a bite, take a step and a bite, well you get the idea.
I know Aunt Maria, hates the snow, and so does Shelli, but me----I’m just over the moon for it.
Hope your day is as pretty as mine is, and if you don’t like snow, then I hope it’s warm and breezy. Oh yeah and cousin Tee, we can’t wait for you to be back and visit us on our blog. We love you and cousin Marie a lot.
Happy snow day, or sun day or just a day that God made…..
Love ,
one happy little girl,

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Brub, did you hear…….

DSC_0012Okay so as you all know, we have lots of people that we love. Some of them we love over the moon and back. One of those people is our cousin Tee.
She had to have a little out patient something yesterday, and then they liked her so much, they decided to keep her overnight. Now that we understand, cause she’s really cool.
But they didn’t feed her……………….WHAT ?????????????????????????????
DSC_0016Now the depression for us has set in, not only is she not feeling well, they didn’t feed her……Yikes to us, especially me (Quig) that is the worse thing ever.
Tee, just let us know if you are still hungry, cause we have some super biscuits that big Doc gave us the last time he was here and we’ll send them your way.
Take good care of her Marie, and we love you both VERY much.
Your kids,
Annie and Quigley