Sunday, December 28, 2014

This is my boy----


DSCN0031Oh I know to all of you he looks like a man, but to Annie and I, he is our boy. He is just one more person who loves us a bunch.

The only bad thing is, he only comes one time a year, so we have to wait a long time for his next visit and we store up lots of energy and love to give to him.

That is just one more thing that makes Christmas so special.

Here’s hoping that your special boy or girl got to come home for Christmas and that all the love you have to give, got given……..

Love, a very happy,


Saturday, December 27, 2014

If you think I look a little fuzzy,


20141225_092907you should see poor dad.

We think it’s all mom’s fault. She started it by getting sick the week before Christmas. As a matter of fact, she was talking for a week or so before that saying she was fighting something. (Now if we fight it’s a bad thing, but she was acting like this was a good thing----go figure) But that something she was fighting finally won. And she got a cold. But she took lots of Vitamin C, tylenol for her ache’s and pains and she won.

Dad thought he had gotten away with not getting her sick, and was very proud. But then BAM on Christmas night, he started coughing, and it went down hill from there. So here we are, mom not quite 100%, and dad not even making 1%. That means no walking for us, and it’s going to be a long weekend.

Luckily we have new toys to play with, and mom will take us for a ride or two today, but no long walks.

Hope that all of you are healthier than mom and dad and that someone will take you for a walk.

Love, the not so fuzzy,


Thursday, December 25, 2014

And so this is Christmas

20141225_085744I20141225_090814It seems that this  happens one time a year. And we have to say it is wonderful.
Our dear friend Miss Sandy came to visit the other day and brought us a HUGE bag of goodie’s. But dad said we had to wait until Christmas came. That second picture is of Annie-----waiting, and waiting and waiting.
20141225_092855But it finally happened this morning. Christmas came, and everyone was opening lots of gifts. Even us, but we did think all of the packages were for  us and offered to open them all. Big people are so finicky, they all insisted on opening  their own.
Sissy and I got lots of new toys from Santa, an equal amount for both of us, BUT
20141225_110717 (360x640)as you can see, Annie took over all of them. She is the acting Queen of all we own.
Anyway, it was a wonderful morning, and we all must have been really good, cause Santa left us all wonderful gifts. But the best gift of all is you friendship and love. One we are thankful for, every day of the year. Not just on Christmas.
Hope you all got everything you wanted. We did 3 years ago, when we came to our forever home and adopted our parents. Such a lucky day.
Merry Christmas, we love you,
Quigley and queen Annie

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

All lit up-------


20141214_150550So it’s Christmas and mom loves lights.Lots of lights, and dad loves mom, soooooooooooo he puts up lights. Outside, inside and as you can see on the two of us.


Okay, okay okay, don’t worry, those are some special kind of lights, that don’t get hot. Mom would never let us play with them if we could get hurt. And believe me, she watch’s over us like a hawk. Now if only someone would explain to me what a hawk is and how it watch’s’

Anyway, I think lights are pretty cool too and this Christmas thing is a dream. One that keeps going on and on.

May all your dreams come true and your lights burn brightly,

Love, the bright and happy,


Tuesday, December 9, 2014

I think I might be in a little bit of trouble…..


20141209_104015so you all know that mom likes to craft. She actually has a room that is full of craft stuff. 

But we share that room with  her. We love to lay in there close to her, when she does her crafting stuff. Soooooooooo we kind of think that her stuff as our stuff.

That being said, she gets a little fussy about us messing with her crafting goodies.

Just remember, it was a mistake. One she may never have figured out if dad hadn’t tattled about my poop having sparkles and Styrofoam in it this morning.

20141209_104111It took her awhile to figure out what I ate, but she found this on the floor of her craft room this morning. And saw a little bit of the pink sparkle that I missed and she knew.

She is going between being worried about my possibly eating the wire, and mad that I ate anything at all. I’m just a growing boy and I can’t help  always being hungry.

So say a prayer, that mom won’t lock me out of her craft room, and that I didn’t eat anything that might hurt me. And think good thoughts for mom, she is such a worrier.

Love, a very sorry,


Saturday, December 6, 2014

They say I’m a pretty boy.


20141115_235640So I was wondering.---- Now that it is Christmas time, does that mean Santa is going to come to our house and leave something wonderful under our tree.

I hear that he only leaves toys for good little boys and girls, and I try really hard to be good, but I was hoping that being pretty helps. So dear Santa if you check in on our blog, please think about the cute things I’ve done all year. I’d love to be on your nice list, and I’d like to add Annie’s name also.

If any of you have any influence on the big guy in red, would you please put in a good word for us?


A nervous and waiting boy, Quigley

Thursday, November 27, 2014

What we are Thankful for------


20141127_085304Well of course, we are thankful for being adopted by mom and dad, and the fact that they let us sleep on couch’s and beds and anything that happens to be soft. That they take us to the farm and let us run like wild animal’s and play with Andy and kiss Camille.

That our family includes Aunt Maria and H and Aunt’s Sue Ann and Cookie and our softy uncle Eddie.

20141127_085804But lets face it, today is about food and WE LOVE food. Can you believe the size of this turkey? Just for the two of them, and do you think they will share with us? NOPE, not one bite.

20141127_090312And then there is our crazy dad. He makes mom laugh all the time. We aren’t sure just what he was doing here, but whatever it was, it made them happy.

One more thing we are thankful for, it’s all of you who come and visit when we have something to say. You are the best.

So a blessed and happy Thanksgiving. May your days be happy and your belly’s be full, and always remember,

we love you.

Annie and Quigley

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Look, there are only 4


20141122_075347-0legs that is……..

My mom is a wonderful woman, but sometimes she says the silliest things. I overheard her telling dad that at night, when she is trying to sleep, I grow lots of legs. Now I’m not sure just what she means by that, as you can see, I only have 4 legs, and adorable, strong ones they are.

It seems that even though she loves that I sleep on pillows above their heads, there are times that when I stretch out, I encroach on her space. (Like that space didn’t become mine, when we moved in) Anyway, she seems to think that my legs multiply by at least 4. I can’t help that my feet often end up in her eye or ear, and sometimes, (now this is a mistake) in her mouth if she should yawn.

So anyway, I’ve got proof now. 4 legs, 4 feet, that is all I have, and she’ll just have to deal.

Hope you can stretch out as much as you want, and that you always have someone you love on a pillow above your head.

Love, the misunderstood,


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

We finally figured it out……


20141115_235640As you know mom and dad go down into that black hole that they call a basement, a lot…….

Annie and I don’t trust it, so we NEVER go with them down there.  But I think we finally figured it out’

They grow trees down there. Once a year they head down and come up with one of these.

20141118_062801Oh it doesn’t look like this when they first bring it up, it’s kind of bare and in pieces.

But mom seems to be so proud of their work that she insists on dressing it up. We have to admit, it looks pretty when she is done, and Annie especially likes it. It give’s her one more thing to guard.

So if someone you love disappears into your black hole, keep hope maybe they will come up with one of these.

Here’s to bright lights and songs that you like to sing along to, and lots of smiling mom’s.

Love, from a getting decorated house,


Saturday, November 15, 2014

Mom’s been so busy



20141112_162731I tried talking to dad about it, but honestly, sometimes he just ignores me.

Mom loves doing craft stuff. Now I don’t know if you know what that is, but I’ll explain. It is when she go’s into the sunroom, and makes a major mess. Now we are NOT judging, but if we did that---wooooo, just saying.

So anyway, her craft fair is today. Lucky for her Aunt Maria took all the stuff to her house to sell, but she got commissioned to do something else, so the mess continues.

20141114_210657Quig, has a hard time,making sure she doesn’t overdo. It wore the poor little boy out. Here he is protecting dad’s Uggs, and making sure nothing bad happens to dad’s feet.

It’s Ugg weather here, cold and snow coming. With any luck, we will have some pictures to share soon.

Stay warm, and make a mess if it makes you happy. It sure does mom, and as we have always heard, when momma’s happy, everyone gets to be happy.

We love you,

Annie and the worn out Quig

Sunday, November 9, 2014

How mean can a parent be?

20141109_155727Meat----pork actually. Juicy pork that mom made sauce with. Oh the smell’s----the fragrance is amazing-----tempting.
We are not allowed people food, but you have to admit, they are just being mean, letting me get so close and not giving in.
Could you resist this face? Could you say no? I swear sometimes I think I need to advertise for a new home, one that lets me eat all I want, when I want and whatever I want.
But to do that I’d have to leave sissy, and dad, and my mom. I just don’t think any food is worth that. But if any of you want to baby sit me and let me eat off of your table, I’m yours for a weekend.
Love, the very hungry,

Friday, November 7, 2014

We’re just a couple of kids

2014-08-08 12.28.36_resizedwho happen to love each other.
The word is, soon it won’t be as empty here. No their not getting another dog, mom is revving up to start her Christmas decorating.
Now we kind of remember what that is all about, lots of boxes, and nowhere for us to sleep until all the boxes go away. It gets really cozy and warm when the tree goes up, be don’t really understand it, but we like it anyway. Especially the part about Santa and us opening gifts.
So we decided to just enjoy the room for a little while longer, and then enjoy the warmth.
Have a restful day, and get as close to the one you love as you can.

Love, the snuggle bunnies,
Annie and Quigley

Thursday, November 6, 2014

And they say…..


20141008_082745Quigley is a cuddle bug. Just look at this. This is my Aunt Sue Ann, she’s dad’s sister. She was here a month or so ago, and I really liked her. She said she is a cat person, now I’ve got nothing against cats. I even lived with one when we went to Camille’s (but to be honest, I’d put up with anyone, or anything to see Camille) but I’m not sure a cat can give this much BIG love.

So when she would be getting ready to eat her breakfast, I’d sit with her, just to make her smile. It worked every time.

This is proof, beautiful, sometimes aloof girl’s really are nice. Okay, so I’m never aloof, but you get the idea.

Have a wonderful day, and I hope you have someone to snuggle you when you are eating your breakfast.



Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Mom says it’s our day to vote.


20141025_074947So we really don’t know what vote means, but it seems pretty important to the parents. Because of that sis and I are thinking pretty hard on what to vote, on or vote, for,or vote to  eat,. Like I said we just don’t understand what we are suppose to do with it.

20141025_075002But that doesn’t matter, if the two leggers want to do it, we’ll do it too. Oh yeah mom said, we can’t actually vote, but since Annie is trying to take dad to the car, they will probably lets us go for a ride.

Get out there and do the vote thing, it seems to make mom happy.

Love, always learning something new,

Quigley, and Annie

Monday, November 3, 2014

At the end of a busy day…….


20141025_213502This  is my very good friend Andy. The proof that he is my bud is, he is sitting by my mom and I’m on the floor at dad’s feet. We had a full day that day, running and dancing around like crazy kids. Dad’s asleep on the couch next to our girl, so all was well.

Mom tried to talk Andy’s mom into letting him come home with us. And even though our back seat is a little small for 3 dogs, we would happily have made the sacrifice to have him here full time. Well at least I would have, I’m not so sure Annie would love having him here for always. She is a little possessive of me after all.

Anyway this is a sweet memory, one mom promises will become a reality again.

Wishing you a best friend that isn’t your sibling (they have to love you, it’s nice having someone else love you by choice) and someone to run around with and act a fool with.


Quigley and Andy……

Sunday, November 2, 2014

You never know what’s hiding under a leaf.


20141101_075348_resizedWe love fall. It’s a great time of the year. The air is cool and clean, our crates, full of quilts and pillows are so enticing, that we often burrow deep inside to take a nap.

But the best thing is the leaves. We love running through them, sniffing under them, and just watching them fall. Did you know that when the leaves are on the tree they start out as one color, and then change into another color before they hit the ground? Now that is one cool trick.

Mom says Annie’s most favorite time of the year is right around the corner----snow time. I think that may be what Annie was looking for underneath this leaf. Silly girl….

Anyway, hope your day is just what you want it to be, and if you get too cold, just find a big old crate full of comfort and crawl right in.

And if you can’t find one,  your more than welcome to come and share ours.

Love, your best buds,

Annie and Quigley

Saturday, November 1, 2014

The only downside------


20141025_074909to going to the farm is getting burrs in my hair.

Lets face it, I’m a really pretty girl, with really pretty hair. EVERYONE says so. And I’m proud of my looks, some say it’s a little frivolous, I say it’s honest. Anyway, I don’t like having my hair messed with. It’s a little curly and very thick, actually luxurious is the perfect word for it; but when it gets stuff in it---yuck. Dad seems to have a lot of patience and gets some perverted joy out of pulling my hair. He will work lots of minutes (feels like hours to me) pulling and tugging, taking them out one by one. And they expect me to be patient, (not one of my virtue's) and just stand there, letting him pull and pull. I have to admit I was more patient that day, than normal. Something to do with all those people who needed to be impressed with me, and needing to be beautiful, so all those other dogs will bow to my will.

To be honest it is a small price to pay, to be able to run free with my brub and that pesky Andy. And something I’d be willing to do any day.

So here’s to you never having to have your hair pulled. And always being able to run free, with your friends.

Remember I’m here if you need me.

Love, a burr free,


Thursday, October 30, 2014

This is our friend Rocky

DSC_0732We had a magical weekend. We got to go the farm and see all our four legged friends, and our two legged girl too.
Andy was thrilled to see us again, and the running and licking and carousing started the minute we got out of the car. Annie tried to take over, by barking and getting between Andy and me, but we are bigger than she is, and we just weren’t having it.
DSC_0738Dad took a lot of pictures, mom took a few, but mom loved this one the best. This show’s how much I loved the freedom of running hard and fast and far.
The only problem---I don’t want dad to put me on that silly leash anymore. I proved I’m big enough and smart enough and BRAVE enough to be by myself. He keeps saying something about cars running over me, or someone trying to steal me, but I don’t think that will happen. Doesn’t matter though, they ALWAYS get their way.
So here’s to a day, where you can run free, and walk by yourself, and always have someone who loves you close at hand.
That someone is Annie and Me,
Love, Quigley

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Smell the WHAT????????


20141023_080824Mom says we need to stop and smell the roses. Something about enjoying the world that we live in------anyway dad was walking us before we went to visit Andy--------- And I thought I figured out what she meant about flowers. But then they laughed at me, they said those are not flowers, but mushrooms. I don’t care what they call them, I call them interesting. If you make the picture bigger you’ll see how pretty they are. Oh you don’t need to worry, I didn’t eat any, dad wouldn’t let me.

We went to see Andy and Norman and Lady over the weekend, and boy did we have fun. Mom and dad took lots of pictures so I guess we’ll be stopping in more often in the next few days.

I want to move to the farm, but mom said I had to come home with her, such a party pooper…….

So until tomorrow, smell the flowers, or whatever you want to smell, and don’t let anyone laugh at you.


Love, the very sweet and gentle,


Monday, September 15, 2014

I can smell it in the air…..


20140805_103201Oh boy, oh boy. I think that thing they call fall is coming. There is something different about the way the air smells, the way it feels when it ruffles my very pretty hair. It’s cooler and sweeter, and well, it’s just plain old wonderful.

Mom has almost stopped complaining about how hot she always is, even has started wearing her hair down, instead of in a pony tail. So I think, maybe  new experiences are going to happen, maybe longer walks, running through the fallen leaves, oh boy do I love that. Although I have to admit, the leaves, when they fall, and touch my butt, sometimes scares me…..

Oh well, here’s to cool sweet air, and people we love walking together,

Love you bunches, the fluffy haired.


Sunday, August 31, 2014

It’s true------they didn’t kill me….

20140831_175215Okay, so things have been really quiet on the blog lately. And a lot of the last pictures you’ve seen have been of the big boy, Quig.
I know, I know I’m a hand full and many of you may have wondered what happened to me. Actually, nothing. I’ve been really busy, taking care of dad and helping mom go up and down the stairs tons of times. Watching out for our next door neighbors, whom I really love--. I can’t stand to hear their car door close and not be out side to say (bark) hello, so my mind has been going crazy.
Things are finally getting back to normal here, whatever normal is, and I am still alive. The reality is, they just couldn’t go on without me, I am such a big help to both of them. Honestly, who else would be able to keep the big boy, (Quig) under control. If it wasn’t for me, he’d kiss EVERYONE to death.
So don’t you worry, we’re fine and we think of you all everyday.
Much love, from the really over worked,

Monday, August 25, 2014

It’s been a long time……


20140728_060225We have not been doing too much. Dad is still on the mend, as a matter of fact, today is his first day back to work. Mom wants him to go slow, but dad isn’t very good at that.

So other than the fact that we turned 3 this week, it’s been pretty boring.

20140728_060222We are sorry we’ve been away so long, but mom has been really tired, trying to do her stuff and dad’s too. Just between  the bunch of us, I think she finally realized he does more than we think……..

So here’s hoping that your days have been more fun than ours, and that boring is NOT a word in your vocabulary…..

We still love you bunches,

Quigley and his little sis Annie

Saturday, August 9, 2014

All worn out……


2014-08-08 12.28.36_resizedDad’s not feeling well, he has been having a hard time walking because of his back and we have been taking care of him.

It started a few days ago, we don’t know what he did, but it sure has made us sad.

There has been lots of up the stairs and down the stairs. He’s not even sleeping in the right bed anymore because he didn’t want to have to go up one more flight of stairs. So when mom goes up, we go up. When mom goes down, we go down. We don’t like leaving him, he so sad up there all by himself.

So here we are, taking a quick nap, and then we’ll be up to take care of him again.

Sorry we’ve been gone so long. We’ll try to do better as soon as dad is feeling better.

Love, from the cutest little caregivers around,

Annie and Quigley

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Home again----


DSC00077and missing Andy. Oh we miss Camille and Shelli and the horses and especially the cows----but I really miss Andy.

That boy could run, and they have so much grass to roll and get wet in, well it’s a dogs dream.

But we are home now and it’s nice to have sissy to play with, and dad has more time for us, and mom----

Lets talk about mom. Before we went on our little trip, she use to make us Chicken every other day, in lots of water. She would save the water and that would be our water to drink. She had tons of containers in the fridge (which she said took up way to much space) and then when we wanted water, that is what we got.

But now that she saw how other dogs live, she decided we could just have dry dog food and regular water. Sissy tried to out wait her and force her hand, but she just won’t give in. Me—I don’t mind, I’ll eat or drink anything, but it sure is hard on Annie.

Don’t worry about her though, she sneaks water outside and when no one is looking she eats her dry food.

Such a diva.

Hope you get Chicken water if you want, and that all your needs are met.

Love the Quigley boy and his sister Annie

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Looking for our new buds.

20140728_060459So we went on a vacation.

 It was a little scary at first, we weren’t sure if they were going to let us come home or not. But lucky for us they did.
Anyway, we went to see Camille and her mom and dad. And can you believe they have 3 more of us. Well not really us, but kind of us. You know guys that have 4 legs instead of 2, and lots of hair.
Well I, Quigley, thought that was the berries. Annie on the other hand, thought she had to keep everyone in line. She did a lot of—don’t do that, don’t run that far, don’t kiss that other dog, and lots of stay away from my mom. I know she won’t admit it, but she had tons of fun too.
Andy became my best friend, next to sissy. He can run really fast and doesn’t mind to be tumbled. Boy it was the best.
Hope you all didn’t miss us too much. And now we are home for awhile. so don’t worry about us.
I wish for you, new friends, and lots of fun, and every once in awhile a full on tumble.
Love, a very tired, Quigley and his bossy little sis, Annie

Thursday, July 24, 2014

My dad’s a cool dad---


20140724_072825And my mom is a loon. So, she saw something on a place called Pintrest. It was cool and funky so of course she talked dad into letting her try it on him.

If you look really close, you’ll see he has a purple, pink streak in his hair. Now she promised him that after his shower, it will be gone. But I’m not too sure.

So be kind and don’t judge when you see him and his hair isn’t quite the normal color, cause we’re not quite the normal kind of family.

But we laugh a lot and love a lot, and every once in awhile we end up with pink hair.

Love, the most adoring ,


Tuesday, July 22, 2014

I miss the snow.


DSC_0367It is soooooooooooooooo hot here. I know we were southern dogs when we were born. But having lived up north for so long, we can’t believe we ever liked the heat. Dad says we are just like mom. She hates hot weather.

And it’s just, plain old stinking hot here. That’s how mom explains it and we have to agree. It’s too hot to go on our second walk of the day, and so hot, mom doesn’t want us to stay outside too long.

So we decided to remember the snow, and the cold and how much we loved it.

Mom says winter will be here soon, and then we can complain about the cold.

Hope you don’t mind the heat or the cold and never have any reason to complain.



Monday, July 21, 2014

Doing Yoga with dad


20140721_070241So dad likes to do some strange movements. He even has a name for it (but you know those guys, they name EVERYTHING), anyway, he calls it Yoga.

20140721_070319We thought he was saying yogi, like the bear and it made more sense to us.

He has a long blankie that he uses when he does this stuff, and it’s a bright and pretty color. It seems he’d rather I didn’t lay on it, but it’s awfully tempting.

20140721_070339As you can see, he is even praying for me to stop. But I couldn’t help but notice the little smile on his face when he looked at me. So I’m thinking that he doesn’t mind all that much.

I’m interviewing for the job of a spotter----how do you think I did?

Anyway, if you need anyone to help you do “down dog” just give me a call.

Love, the yogi,


Saturday, July 19, 2014

Patience is a virtue--


20140719_072824At least that is what mom likes to say. (Not that she has very much------oh jeez did we just say that?)

Anyway, here we are waiting for dad to get finished helping mom. She took a really cute picture of Annie this morning, and wanted to download it so she could use it for a posting. Well when she went to download the picture, her phone said she had 5000 pictures to download. (Just a little side note----down load sounds like what we do when we drop a load on our walks. You know what I mean.)

Anyway, she knew that she hadn’t taken 5000 pictures, so she grabbed dad before he could even take us on our first walk of the day. As usual, he figured it out, fixed it, but jeez, doesn’t she know, our walk always comes first….

Sometime I think mom doesn’t think these things through. So that really cute picture of Annie, got deleted , and they took this one instead.

Oh we got our walk—in the rain—and now it’s nap time.

So, we hope you don’t have to have that silly thing called patience today.

One thing you’ll never have to wait for, is our love,

It’s there for you everyday,

Quigley and the very sweet Annie

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Mom was looking for-----

JESSPOONa picture of us to share. She hasn’t taken any new ones for awhile so figured she show an old one.
And then she found this. Oh we know, that’s not us. It’s a picture of two of our predecessors. Their names were Spoon (he’s the big guy) and Jessie, she’s the little girl laying on top of him.
They were the first dynamic duo mom and dad had. And we are pretty sure that had they not been so incredible, they (mom and dad) may never have had two dogs at  the same time again. So for that we are really appreciative.
They look like they were really cool pals. Mom gets all soft and fuzzy when she talks about them. So I guess we have some really large paw prints to fill.
But we will give it the old college try. That is if we ever make it to college. Mom said we are smart enough to go, but we don’t like to be that far away from home.
Hope you have a picture of someone or something that makes you go all soft and fuzzy. Have a look at it for us.
Love the new dynamic duo,
Quigley and Annie

Friday, July 11, 2014

They had something called

20140614_112920an anniversary.
Mom and dad celebrated their 21st anniversary yesterday. I’m not sure what that means, but it made them happy, so, I was happy too.
The problem with that was, they left us alone. Do you think that I look happy about that? We have a routine, we walk at certain times, we eat at certain times and when one of them is NOT home, those things do not happen.
I am a creature of comfort. And I was not comfortable yesterday. I have been punishing them ever since. I won’t eat unless coaxed, or even better, hand fed.
I think mom has had enough, I heard her tell Aunt Ria that if I don’t eat this morning, she is going to take my food away and I’ll have to wait until my next feeding. I’m not sure I like this outcome. So I may have to rethink my strategy.
I’ll give you a call, if things get out of hand, I may need your help.
the not yet hungry Annie

P.S.---- oh yeah, I forgot to tell you--kiss up Quigley will eat his food and mine. He's just no help

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

One of our many jobs.


the_tailAs you all know. Dogs remember with their noses. And as part of our daily routines we feel we should check to be sure that at some point in the night, nobody switched us out.

So when we get up. After a meal. During our walks, we take a little sniff to be sure, we are who they think we are. It was my turn here, making sure Annie was still our sweet adorable Annie. But to be honest, it would be hard for a,- want to be,- to warp into her body and convince us, it was her , if it wasn’t.

But it’s fun to check and as you can see, she doesn’t mind at all. I kind of think she is looking at me with a lot of love.

Hope everyone you sniff today, looks at you the very same way,

Love, the nosey Quig

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Waa haa haa------


smilesIt was early in the morning. Long before 6 am. We had eaten, and were out for our morning constitution…….

But then we became wild little munchkins. At least that’s what mom calls it. Mom said we look fierce, here, but actually we were laughing . Just laughing at the joy of being alive and having such a wonderful sibling. We slept long and hard all night with mom and dad, we had our chicken water with our food (don’t ask,-- we may be a little spoiled) we emptied out all the stuff that needed emptied out---so we were just having a little fun.

May your day be filled with the joy of having someone you love close. And even if you look a little fierce, remember to laugh. Loud and hard,

We did---

Love, Quigley and Annie

Sunday, July 6, 2014

I love to swim, by Annie the Olympic hopeful

So mom and dad had a little deja vu  going on yesterday. They took us back to Jumonville. It was the first trek we had with them when we came to our new home. We loved it then and boy did we love it again.

When we first got there, we smelled all kinds of wonderful smells, deer and critters of all kinds. We walked a long way down, through the trees and came out to a really incredible meadow. And there it was, my own, special pond. It had fresh running mountain water and me......Oh what a day. I jumped right in, and swam around. Then I did what all good red blooded dogs do, I shook all my wet on mom. And she didn't even get mad.
It was a fun day, I'm going to try and be really good, so they take us back there again.

Hope if you find a pond, it has fresh running water from a mountain creek. That's the best.

Love a very satisfied,

PS, did any of you see how  crazy Quig got.....And they say I'm a bully

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Is mom playing favorites?

Aunt Maria told mom she thinks she (mom) is playing favorites.  I don’t think so, cause when Annie’s not around, mom always tells me I’m her favorite.

Of course Annie says she tells her the same, but I think mom says that just to make Annie feel better.

20140701_065105I mean really, Annie is beautiful. Lots of people have never seen a dog that looks like her. So of course she hears about her looks all the time.  But will you look at MY face. Now that is amazing.

20140701_065604And as for watching over our yard, I do just as good of a job. Just a little more—not in your face,--- if you know what I mean. Annie can chirp with the best of them, but when I bark, and I know it’s not often, I get their attention.

So don’t feel sorry for this big old guy, I get more kisses than anyone. And I am very secure in myself.

Have a  wonderful day, and if you need to hear a real bark, just give me a call.

Love, the strong and beautiful,


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Guarding the Blessed Mother

My granny Annie (the gal I was named after) loved the Blessed Mother. She carried her rosary’s every where she went.
20140701_065629 Because of that mom and dad bought this little statue for her and it lived with her at her house.. And now- it’s at our house. (I hear that granny is now living with the Blessed Mother at her house. Sounds like fun to me,)
Because it was hers. and now that it is here, it makes it mine too. So now it is my responsibility to keep her safe.
There are lots of bunnies and birds that come to our yard, and they need to know, you don’t mess with my Blessed Mother.
Aunt Ria and mom really love her , so they’d never forgive me it I let anything get too close
It’s a job I really enjoy, but I’m warning all those critters out there, I’m Not messing around. All noses off.
Have a happy day, may our Blessed Mother bless you all,
Love, Annie.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

We worked again today.


20140628_143207Well dad’s major job got finished today.And as you can see, we are beat.

It was hot and humid and to be honest both of us were still tired from yesterday. But could we have a day of rest today??????

Oh no, we HAD to finish. Mom said we were over doing, but we just wouldn’t listen. So here we are, two tired little ones.


20140628_143908I think maybe next time I’ll listen to mom and not push it, but for now, I’m just gonna catch up on my sleep.

Hope your projects all got done today. And remember mom is always right….

Love, Annie and her very tired dad