Tuesday, January 28, 2014



20140125_190133_resized (2)Oh dad I know you worked all day, and it’s really cold, but PLEASE---we need a walk.

So it’s below 0 here, a lot below, but someone needs to realize that we still have a ton of energy. We know mom won’t go, but dad is a much softer touch, and I’m not sure how he can say no to this face. But they did, not only dad- nicely, but mom very loudly. I think we are making her a little crazy during the days without our walks.

She promised that tomorrow she’ll take us for a ride at least. But I’ve got a bad feeling that it may be spring before we walk again…..

Oh woe is me………..

Love a sad and energy filled,


Monday, January 27, 2014

I’ve been immortalized


winking at the snowMom has been telling dad that he should do a picture of me, like he did of Annie. Soooooooooooooo he chose a photo of me that he took during a snow storm. Mom thinks I look like I’m missing an eye, but the truth of it is, just as the shutter of the camera closed, so did my eye. This is Dad’s favorite picture of me.

I hope you like it as much as mom and I do. My dad is an awesome artist, don’t you think?

Love the winking, blinking Quig

Oh me, oh my


20140126_220338_resizedSo last night after our last meal of the day, I kissed my mom good night and went to bed. It was early, so I went on my own. I really don’t like to do that, I prefer that she go with me. But it was about 7:30 and she had to stay up to watch some silly tv show.

So being the big boy that I am, I just sucked it up and did what I had to do. Off I went. Well her show wasn’t on until 9 and no one followed my lead, not even Annie. I went to sleep and then all of a sudden I woke up to a dark bedroom, with no one with me.

I have to admit I got a little afraid. So I jumped off the bed ran down two flights of stairs, at the speed of light, and thankfully found them. I really thought they left me.

I felt much better once I saw them, and cuddled up on dad’s foot. They shouldn’t mess with me like that. I’m still a little boy, who needs his people.

Whew what a night. The rest went well, mom let us out after her show and then we went to bed together.

May you always have the people you love close to you, and stay safe today.

It’s gonna be a doozy.

Love, the most adorable,


Saturday, January 25, 2014

This is called



It happened….


20140125_080657_resizedFinally, we went on a walk this morning. It was cold and lots of snow was on the ground.  But we really had a wonderful time.

I’ve got to tell you, I didn’t think we’d ever go to Hopwood again, but this morning we did.

This is our creek that brub and I love to run in, in the summer. Now it’s all frozen. We keep hearing that there is a global warming, but I’m not buying it, at least not in our town this year.

20140125_085821_resizedOnce we got home, and warmed up, mom  was working in her craft room. I really love it in here, I can look out the front door window and see what is going on , on our street.

It’s a lot of work, taking dad for his walk, making sure brub has a good time, and then patrolling our street.. But somebody’s got to do it, and I’m just the gal for the job.

Stay warm and safe dear ones, and know that we love you,

Annie and her lazy brother, Quigley

Friday, January 24, 2014

Lordy, lordy, it’s cold……


DSC02918So we use to live down south. And we really loved it when we moved to the northeast.  Well we still do, but lordy, it’s cold here.

DSC02920Lucky for us. We have parents that are more concerned about us being warm; after a short run in the yard, than anything. We still go out, no walks tho. But I make sure I lift at least one foot and look really forlorn when we get in the warm house.

That always gets us one more treat, a good foot rub, and a warm blankie.

Oh we sure fell in it, didn’t we.

Please stay safe and warm and make SOMEONE rub your cold feet.

Love, Annie

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Look at what they did to me!!!!!!!!!!

2014-01-22 07.25.32_resizedNo this is not cotton stuffed into my toes. It is the real stuff. SNOW. There was a video, but for some reason the big ones can’t get it up on this very special blog.
Don’t blame them for the tons of snow in my toes though, I really love this stuff. After our walk in the blizzard yesterday, I insisted on going back out. And this is what resulted. Oh mom was a cray, cray woman, and didn’t want to let me out the rest of the day. But dad’s calmer presence won out and I did get a run or two.
But today it is frigid out and there will be no walk today. I’m trying to think of ways to make the parents nuts, it’s going to be a long and boring day. So I’ll do what I can to brighten it up.
May all of your days be warmer than -4 degrees as it is here, and your heart be filled with the love we have for you.
snowy toes, Annie

Monday, January 20, 2014

In another life I was a flamingo

 For all of you who want more, more, and more of us. Well here we are. Dad is helping mom learn how to put movies on the blog. This is their first try. With any luck, you'll be seeing more of us in the days to come.
So sit back and enjoy, we're awful cute, don't you think?

Love the adorable,
Quigley and Annie

Sunday, January 19, 2014

The woman just loves to put words in our mouths.


DSC02891So yesterday, the mom was saying how we hate cold weather.

DSC02893Does this look like hate to you?

DSC02894The woman projects her feelings onto us. Sure we don’t get as many walks as we use to, but that is NOT because of us.

DSC02898It’s her and dad. Big baby pants. Just because it is often only 0 degrees, why they can’t just put their big people pants on, and do it, is a mystery to us

Here’s to the real truth.

We love cold and snow, and we love you too.

Quigley and Annie

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Oh where oh where---

DSC02887did the sunshine go. Man I know we were here last winter, but honestly it wasn’t this cold here then. We are now down to one walk a day and we have to tell you, we HATE that. We are board and cranky and well, so is mom.
DSC02889 Whoops, I think we’ve been nabbed. This is our last bird that is, (make that was) in one piece. We’re trying to hide it, but when mom hits the craft room, the poop is gonna hit the fan. The days are long without walks, so we just have to entertain ourselves. She’ll just have to get a grip.
Just so you understand--
It’s so cold that when we go out to play or pee, Annie ends up with only 3 feet. Her one back paw always seems to freeze. Aunt Maria thinks we shouldn’t go out at all, but mom says that is just silly.
Here’s hoping that your feet don’t freeze and that you get to walk as much as you want. And that sunshine finds you all.
We heart you, one and all,
Quigley and Annie

Friday, January 17, 2014

We’re sorry, so sorry----


DSC02865This is us, being soooooooooooo sorry. You see –---- one, we have been gone so long. And two, those gifts Santa brought us. You know the ones we LOVED so much. Well we don’t know why, but we killed them.

DSC02869It is as if the devil takes over our better sense, and the thrill of pursuit takes over.

DSC02870And this is what happens.

They were such pretty little birds. Mom has been finding stuffing for days.. Lucky for us, the parents love us so much.

Hope you all have been well this new year and we wanted to send a high five out to our cousin Tee. She knows why.


We love you all, and we promise we won’t tear anything up that is important to you.. Honest.

Love ya, Annie and Quigley

Monday, January 6, 2014

So I was thinking….


DSC02774It’s getting a little boring around here. The weather is cold so the mother doesn’t want us to go out too much. And it’s going to get really slippery, so the father won’t be able to walk us as much. Soooooooooooooo what do you think about a puppy party? Mom says the house is a mess, as she is getting ready to take down the decorations. So how much damage do you think we could do?

It’s just a thought!

Hope you stay warm, and safe. And if you are interested in coming to a puppy party, just let me know. I’m gonna start working on the big ones right away.



Sunday, January 5, 2014

Come on brub-----

DSC02786I know it’s cold out side, but not as cold as it’s gonna get. We have got to run out here as much as we can. You know how mom is, she probably won’t let us out for more than a second or two. Then she’ll start her---Annie, Quigley come in right now. I’m gonna leave you if you don’t come in. Or the trick that NEVER works any more, making the car door sound to have us think she’s really is leaving.
DSC02778One sad thing tho, she is gonna start taking all the cool stuff down tomorrow.
DSC02779I guess that means Christmas is over, but we aren’t going to let the spirit die. At least not in our hearts.

So please do us a big favor, stay inside. Don’t let your momma yell at you to come in. Be warm and safe, get your milk and eggs today. Rent a movie, or play a game. So, just be careful: just like mom, we worry about you and we love you, like she loves us.
See you soon,
a warm and fuzzy butted,
Annie and Quigley

Friday, January 3, 2014

It’s a snow day-------------------------


DSC02782It is a snow day here in Pennsylvania. The roads are awful so dad is going to stay home. (We live on a hill and no one has been able to go up or down it all morning.)

DSC02785But for southern born kids, we LOVE the snow.

DSC02787It doesn’t seem cold or scary to us. Mom thinks we are a little bit crazy, but since we can’t walk today, we have to do a run or two in the snow.

DSC02790Annie especially loves the snow. If her little paws didn’t get so cold, she’d never come in.

DSC02792A little playing never hurt any dog, as long as you don’t have to live outside. If you know any dogs that have to live outside, please knock on their people’s door and make them take them in.

DSC02794But as you can see, once we are in, we (Annie) loves a blankie on the couch with mom.

Hope you don’t have to go out in the cold, and that you always have a warm blanket to cover your cold toes.

Love, the snow bunnies,

Annie and Quigley

Thursday, January 2, 2014

This picture says it all.


20140101_164635_resizedThis is Monk, he’s one of our best friends. The pillow’s name is Frenchie. She is one, sweet little French bulldog. Anyway, they came by with Big Doc yesterday and what a time we had. First we went walking, Cinnamon led the way the whole time. She’s older than the rest of us, so I guess she figured that it was her job. But these little guys legs are REALLY short so they got worn out. After our walk, we all came back to our house and the big people ate lots of food. They had sushi, and lettuce wraps and pot stickers, and then desert. Wowza, if we ate that much, we’d explode, but Quig would love it. (That boy is always hungry).

Anyway we think that was the best way to start the new year. With good friends and good food and a walk. What a way to go.

Hope your new year is full of the blessings we had yesterday.

Hugs and kisses,

Quigley and Annie

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year


DSC_0311 - CopyI know I look like I had a hard New Years eve, but this is really just more of a continuation of Christmas pictures.

DSC_0286 - CopyWe wanted to wish you a very Happy, prosperous New Year. May your days be happy and Healthy, full of joy and kindness. We have so enjoyed spending a lot of this past year with you and hope that you enjoyed it too.

Annie and I promise to share any and all new adventures that we will have this coming year. Holding on to your virtual hands all the way.

Be kind and strong, and always remember,

we love you, today and all the days of our lives in our forever homes.

Quigley, and Annie