Saturday, April 26, 2014

My dad and his gadgets


DSC00022My dad has lots of interests. He loves to paint--, pictures as well as walls. He likes to fix stuff and build stuff. But he loves his gadgets…..

like--His computer and something called a smart phone. Now, not for nothing, but who ever heard that a phone can be smart? Tall ones have such a funny way of talking.

Any way he loves to play a game on one of his toys and sometime----he needs my help. I can push that button on his (okay wait until you hear what he calls this one) his mouse. I can make the tank he likes to ride around in, go places he never meant for them to go.

You have to admit, I am a BIG BIG help.

And if you look really closely, you will see, the love in my eyes for my kooky dad.

Have a wonderful day, if you need any help with your gadgets just give me a call.

Love you bunches,


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Oh, I’m laying low------


DSC00020I don’t know how it happens. Basically I’m a wonderful girl. I’m sweet and pretty and do my job every day. You know, letting them know about the danger out in the world. Okay so I bark a little…….well maybe a lot. But jeeze how are they ever going to know the neighbors are out, or their dog Baby wants to say hello. They just don’t appreciate me enough.

Anyway the reason I’m laying low is—the mother really hates when I bark. But especially at the neighbors, who she calls the BEST we ever had. But they just aren’t going to know I’m there if I don’t say hello.

Honest that is all I was trying to do. But things went wrong---very, very wrong. For about the tenth time I was telling mom that the neighbors wanted to see me, and for about the tenth time, she told me to be quiet, but this time, well, it went really bad.

I barked, she came out, told me to stop, I ignored her and she came to get me. This is where it all goes a little blurry to me, she came, she tried to grab, she screamed as she fell. The neighbor, (you know the nice one) got concerned and he yelled, something like “are you okay”. Mom said she was and was laughing really hard, dad was concerned and I had to get right in the middle of it all to lick her face. I’m not sure why, but she got mad at me. Can you believe it?

So she walked a little funny after and her arm has a bandage on it, but jeeze a girl was just trying to do her job. Go figure…….

Keep good thoughts for me today, I’m not sure I’m out of the dog house yet.

Love, a very sorry,


Sunday, April 20, 2014



DSC00007Well it’s a beautiful Sunday morning and it is a day of great holiness.

It’s Easter

And it seems we’ve turned into bunnies.

Mom said something about an Easter egg hunt, but since we’re not sure what that is, we’re not sure we want to do it.

DSC00017Easter bunny Annie is sharing the love with dad, such a show off.

Anyway, may the blessings of this day shower you with love and joy and whatever those eggs may have for you.

Keep those bunny ears on and hear how much we love you,

Quigley and Annie

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Sometimes a boy just misses his mom.


DSC02972So now that the weather is changing. Our bed at night just seems a little too warm. What with two parents, Annie and me, it just gets too cozy. So this is when I don’t always want to stay that close.

Mom doesn’t mind as long as she knows where I am. But sometimes in the middle of the night I have to find her again.

Annie says I have bad dreams and I’m afraid, but no one knows for sure and I’m not talking. Anyway, last night was one of those nights. I stayed with her for an hour or so and then it just got too warm, so I hit the couch. But then about 4 in the morning, I just couldn’t stand it and I need a little love from my mom.

So I jumped up on the bed, (I can make it bounce when I want too) and landed right in the middle of mom’s arms. It was glorious, I licked her until her skin came off and although she kept telling me to stop, she was laughing really hard. I don’t know, I think somewhere deep down inside she likes it.

So now you know, sometimes, a boy just misses his mom.

Wishing you a day where you can reach anyone you need to kiss,


Thursday, April 17, 2014

I know it’s hard to believe----but

photo 1 (107)this time it’s not about us. This is our special girl, with the weirdest looking dog’s we’ve ever seen.
Now really, look at this one. Oh it’s colors are as pretty as Annie’s, but how do you grow that tall? And what did it’s mom look like.
photo 3 (69)And these two look like a combination of me (Quig) but they look like they outweigh me by a ton. Again, what did their mom’s look like?
Anyway our girl loves them, and she looks beautiful in her princess dress. Mom said any girl big or little would love that one.
I’m hoping that one day we’ll get to play with all of them. Won’t that be the day.
Hope you have a wonderful day the sun is already here, but then when we are with you it’s always sunny.
Love, Quigley and Annie

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Mom finally saw the truth---

DSC00002Oh you’ve heard the talk, you’ve heard the rumors. I’m bossy, I’m a tyrant, I’m just too full of myself.
For the last couple of night’s, I’ve been getting corrected for making ugly sounds at my brother. No matter how innocent I look at them, they just don’t believe it’s not me. Well, this morning mom saw the truth.
Here’s how it went.
Brub came down before dad and I did. Mom got up first (as usual) then brub. The word is she made coffee and fed him, let him out and then woke me and dad up. Dad has to work today so no sleeping in for him. Anyway when I came down I was really happy to see mom, after all it was at least 15 minutes since I last laid eyes on her. So I jumped up to give her a kiss and it happened, she saw. Brub got really jealous cause she loves me so much, and he snapped. He got an ugly look on his face and made that mean sound at me--------NOT me at him.
Oh boy did I smile when he got corrected and boy did he NOT smile…..
Woot, woot, I’ve been avenged…….
What a wonderful day.
Hope you never get accused unjustly and if you should I hope your mom can see the real truth.
Love Annie and a very sorry Quigley.
Don’t worry we’re best of friends again.

Monday, April 14, 2014

So dad----


20140125_190133_resized_1We love our dad. He walks us everyday, rain or shine, snow and ice. He pulls ticks out of our little body’s and cuts our toe nails. He is just a real good guy.

I know your waiting for the BUT-----but we’ve got none. Nope no butt’s, no complaints, no nothing but, thanks dad, we love you……..

Now how’s that for a way for him to start the day.


We love you all too,

Quigley and his silly sissy, Annie

Sunday, April 13, 2014

3 times of day.


20140125_085803_resizedI’m sure you all wonder just what we do all day. So Quig and I talked it over and decided to share a little bit of what our days are like.

We like to sleep in, whoever is in bed the longest gets our attention. So we stay with them—just to make sure they are safe you know…..

I like to check out the neighborhood. To see if  any dog needs help or barked at, or needs a look. This is mom’s craft room so we do spend a good bit of time there.

DSC03018Then we have correction time. It all depends on who feels they are more right (me usually) so we talk it over. I like to get right in Quig’s face. He seems to be a  little dense sometimes, so you have to get his attention, this way works.

But as you can see, he gets right back in my face. Guess I’ll have to keep trying to make him understand.

20140407_172147_resizedAnd then of course there is napping time. We are dogs you know, we love to sleep. This is one of our crates, mom thinks it has to be full of soft stuff. And really, who are we to disagree?

Remember when I told you about the pretty blue comforter’s? This is one of them. Mom makes sure every thing is clean and smell’s good. Just one more reason to take a little nap. We do what we can to make her happy.

So that is just a little of a day in the life of a couple of Aussie’s dogs.

Remember to take a nap today, and have that little talk to the ones you love.

For us, that’s all of you,

Love, Annie the strong and Quigley the wise (you see who’s sleeping don’t you ?)

Friday, April 11, 2014

I’m in love-------


DSC03011So a couple of weeks ago, my mom’s best friend Marlene came to visit her. She brought us the pretty blue comforters we have in our caves. And boy do we look nice when we lay on them.

Anyway, her daughter, Stacy came along too.

DSC03013But she didn’t come to see mom. Oh she like’s her okay, but it me she loves. Okay maybe she love’s Annie too, but I’m her favorite. You can tell by the way she is looking at me. Honestly I think I’m everyone’s favorite, but mom says she loves both Annie and I alike.

I’m not buying it---------


Now you all know I have a soft spot for pretty girls, and this one, well, she’s beautiful and smells soooooooooooooooo good.

DSC03014I let her pay a little attention to Annie, just because I am a good brother.

We had so much fun with her, we wish she’d come more often. They promised that since the weather is getting better they’ll come back soon, but if any of you know them, make sure you tell her she needs to come sooner rather  than later.

Mom says we slept non stop until the next day after she left. It’s hard to stay that cute so that she’ll want to be close to us….Oh boy was that a night.

So if you need a good nights sleep all you have to do is fall in love with a pretty girl and work hard to make her love you…

Have a happy day, hope it was dryer at your house than it was here.

Love you, the love struck,

Quigley and Annie

Thursday, April 10, 2014

I know, I know, where have we been????


DSC03009You have to blame it on the mother. It’s her camera, her pictures, her mess up. We aren’t sure what she did to her camera, but for some reason when she tried to do something called----down loading---whatever that is, her camera card (what ever that is) said she had hundred’s of pictures to download (again, what ever that is). She was sure that was wrong, but couldn’t figure out what to do with that information. So she decided to suck it up and just let them download to her computer, so we could be with you guys again.

So here we are.

Spring has finally come to Pennsylvania, and the most wonderful thing happened today. We went to one of our favorite parks to walk the parents and they lost their minds. They actually let us go into the water. That for sure means summer is on it’s way. Quigley decided that the water wasn’t too cold, he ran in it and drank it, he acted like a fool if you ask me, but I’m much wiser, it’s still April, not June, so I am going to just wait until the sun warms that water a little more.

So we hope you’ll forgive mom, she really didn’t mean to mess up, she loves all of you guys almost as much as we do. So with any luck, we’ll be back with more stories and adventures to share.

Take care and be happy, know that 2 little dogs in Pa. love you all and will try to share the crazy days of spring with you,

Love, Quigley and the much wiser Annie