Saturday, June 28, 2014

We worked again today.


20140628_143207Well dad’s major job got finished today.And as you can see, we are beat.

It was hot and humid and to be honest both of us were still tired from yesterday. But could we have a day of rest today??????

Oh no, we HAD to finish. Mom said we were over doing, but we just wouldn’t listen. So here we are, two tired little ones.


20140628_143908I think maybe next time I’ll listen to mom and not push it, but for now, I’m just gonna catch up on my sleep.

Hope your projects all got done today. And remember mom is always right….

Love, Annie and her very tired dad

Friday, June 27, 2014



20140627_085129Our dad is doing a project. And boy can that man make noise.

I really thought mom hated noise, since whenever I make any little sound, she makes me come in, or says to stop making so much noise.

But when dad does it----oh well that ‘s another story for another day.

20140627_085134Anyway, dad is down in the lower 40 as he likes to call it, ( no offense dad, but you’re a little weird). And he’s digging up mud. Now again you will see the double standard we have to live by, when Quig digs, he gets into trouble and has to put his feet in the bucket. (Let’s see if mom makes dad do that)

But when dad does it, oh he’s some kind of a hero.

20140627_085139So while dad is doing his job……I’m doing mine. Some one has to keep watch, to make sure he’s doing it correctly. And I’m just the girl to get the job done.

20140627_085200I don’t think he knows I’m even here, but if need arises, I’ll be able to get mom in a flash to save his life.

You know it’s such an important part of my job.

Gotta go now, can’t take the eye off the ball, or in my case the dad.

Have sunshine and happiness today, and I hope you always have an apple tree to hide in.

Love, Annie on guard

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

We’ve been banned

Our cousins Tee and Marie, wanted to know what is happening with us. No blogging for awhile. So our dad decided to let us have a little fun .

And mom decided we are banned from the house except for the kitchen.

2014-06-25 09.00.14-0AT our favorite park in Hopwood, there are creeks.

We’ve had lots of rain, so the creeks are high and moving. Two of our favorite things.

Annie never likes to get her feet wet unless the rest of her body gets wet also. So here she is swimming and having a ball.

20140625_085408-0I don’t know if you can tell here, but this is after our walk, our ride home and she is still dripping wet. She really needed to see mom and tell her all about how much fun she had. But mom didn’t take it the way Annie hoped.

So now even after being toweled off, we can not come into the living room.

Just between the few of us, it was worth it. We’ll dry off, but the memory of our morning swim will last all day.

Hope your creeks are clear and sweet, and that your mom understands,

Love, Quigley and the VERY wet Annie

Monday, June 16, 2014

Take time


2014-06-15 08.54.16-0to smell the flowers.

Oh boy do we love flowers. Good thing too, as mom’s family were florists, and smelling flowers always makes her happy.

(Quig here,) I have a confession to make. Don’t let mom know, but I like to bite off the heads of flowers. Especially her tuberous begonia’s. They are so pretty and brightly colored, I just can’t seem to help myself. I try to remind myself that they are her favorites, but luckily I’m one of her favorites too.

Hope your flowers smell wonderful, and have bright colors that make you smile.

Love, the flower children,

Quigley and Annie

Sunday, June 15, 2014


As promised, here is the little movie we made yesterday while enjoying our walk at Ohiopyle. Now that the elders are figuring all this techie stuff out, we may be able to do this more often.
We can only hope.

Gotta tell you though, when we got home from our hike, not only us, (Annie and Quigley) but mom passed out. We did it on the floor, she did it on the couch. Dad seemed to be the only one who stayed awake. Don't know what this father's day will hold, but if it's juicy, we promise we'll share.

Happy Father's day to any dad's out there. Especially our dad. We sure were lucky to get him. We won the lottery that day.

Love to you all, may the sun shine and the skys stay blue this wonderful Sunday  for you.

Annie, (don't I sing pretty?) and the quiet Quigley

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Our first trip to Ohiopyle this year.

20140614_094835They promised we’d go, they said we were going. But it takes them sooooooooooooooooo long to actually get us into the car.
But here we are on our way to walk the land of Ohiopyle.
20140614_103634It was a beautiful day, cool, in the high 50’s. And as you can see the sun was out and the sky was bright. We walked and sniffed, and (now don’t let anyone know I told on him) Quigley pooped two times, and peed at least a hundred times. That boy LOVES to mark his territory.
Me, well I’m a proper lady, I prefer to do my private business in our yard, usually in a private spot.
Anyway, today was perfect. We saw lots of people on bikes, and people walking and dragging little kids behind the bikes. It looked like fun to me, but, I think I’d get really bored.
20140614_110913And here we are going back down the mountain. Mom took a movie, but for some reason it is sideways. If dad can figure out how to make it straight, we'll post it here for all to see. And to be honest, my money is on dad. He’s a computer whiz….
Hope you day was half as much fun as mine.
Love you, Annie and Quigley

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

We made up…


20140610_172538_resizedSo we seem to take turns picking on each other.

Yesterday was a rarity, Quig, got me. I’ll be honest. Sometime.  I can be a bully. But you’ve got to understand, Quig is a wild card. He looses his mind from time to time and I’m the only one that can calm him down.

(Okay, mom often tells me that It’s not necessary, as she is the true boss. But to be honest, she just thinks that.)

So anyway yesterday, he was a little wild, and I had to correct him one more time. Then all of a sudden, I let out a yelp. And all heck broke out. Mom and dad were both there and boy did they holler at him. I worked it for all it was worth, limped around for awhile. Then limped over to mom and let her love at me. She cooed and petted me, trying to make me feel better.

Quig, well he just got corrected, cause as mom said, he’s not allowed to hurt me. Even if he doesn’t realize how big he is.

I may have to rethink this bossy thing. You seem to get more attention, when you are the one hurt……

We’re fine, and love each other very much, so all is well.

Be careful today. Make sure you don’t bite your sissy’s foot, I promise you, you’ll get in trouble.

Love, on all 4’s,

Annie and her sorry brother.