Sunday, December 28, 2014

This is my boy----


DSCN0031Oh I know to all of you he looks like a man, but to Annie and I, he is our boy. He is just one more person who loves us a bunch.

The only bad thing is, he only comes one time a year, so we have to wait a long time for his next visit and we store up lots of energy and love to give to him.

That is just one more thing that makes Christmas so special.

Here’s hoping that your special boy or girl got to come home for Christmas and that all the love you have to give, got given……..

Love, a very happy,


Saturday, December 27, 2014

If you think I look a little fuzzy,


20141225_092907you should see poor dad.

We think it’s all mom’s fault. She started it by getting sick the week before Christmas. As a matter of fact, she was talking for a week or so before that saying she was fighting something. (Now if we fight it’s a bad thing, but she was acting like this was a good thing----go figure) But that something she was fighting finally won. And she got a cold. But she took lots of Vitamin C, tylenol for her ache’s and pains and she won.

Dad thought he had gotten away with not getting her sick, and was very proud. But then BAM on Christmas night, he started coughing, and it went down hill from there. So here we are, mom not quite 100%, and dad not even making 1%. That means no walking for us, and it’s going to be a long weekend.

Luckily we have new toys to play with, and mom will take us for a ride or two today, but no long walks.

Hope that all of you are healthier than mom and dad and that someone will take you for a walk.

Love, the not so fuzzy,


Thursday, December 25, 2014

And so this is Christmas

20141225_085744I20141225_090814It seems that this  happens one time a year. And we have to say it is wonderful.
Our dear friend Miss Sandy came to visit the other day and brought us a HUGE bag of goodie’s. But dad said we had to wait until Christmas came. That second picture is of Annie-----waiting, and waiting and waiting.
20141225_092855But it finally happened this morning. Christmas came, and everyone was opening lots of gifts. Even us, but we did think all of the packages were for  us and offered to open them all. Big people are so finicky, they all insisted on opening  their own.
Sissy and I got lots of new toys from Santa, an equal amount for both of us, BUT
20141225_110717 (360x640)as you can see, Annie took over all of them. She is the acting Queen of all we own.
Anyway, it was a wonderful morning, and we all must have been really good, cause Santa left us all wonderful gifts. But the best gift of all is you friendship and love. One we are thankful for, every day of the year. Not just on Christmas.
Hope you all got everything you wanted. We did 3 years ago, when we came to our forever home and adopted our parents. Such a lucky day.
Merry Christmas, we love you,
Quigley and queen Annie

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

All lit up-------


20141214_150550So it’s Christmas and mom loves lights.Lots of lights, and dad loves mom, soooooooooooo he puts up lights. Outside, inside and as you can see on the two of us.


Okay, okay okay, don’t worry, those are some special kind of lights, that don’t get hot. Mom would never let us play with them if we could get hurt. And believe me, she watch’s over us like a hawk. Now if only someone would explain to me what a hawk is and how it watch’s’

Anyway, I think lights are pretty cool too and this Christmas thing is a dream. One that keeps going on and on.

May all your dreams come true and your lights burn brightly,

Love, the bright and happy,


Tuesday, December 9, 2014

I think I might be in a little bit of trouble…..


20141209_104015so you all know that mom likes to craft. She actually has a room that is full of craft stuff. 

But we share that room with  her. We love to lay in there close to her, when she does her crafting stuff. Soooooooooo we kind of think that her stuff as our stuff.

That being said, she gets a little fussy about us messing with her crafting goodies.

Just remember, it was a mistake. One she may never have figured out if dad hadn’t tattled about my poop having sparkles and Styrofoam in it this morning.

20141209_104111It took her awhile to figure out what I ate, but she found this on the floor of her craft room this morning. And saw a little bit of the pink sparkle that I missed and she knew.

She is going between being worried about my possibly eating the wire, and mad that I ate anything at all. I’m just a growing boy and I can’t help  always being hungry.

So say a prayer, that mom won’t lock me out of her craft room, and that I didn’t eat anything that might hurt me. And think good thoughts for mom, she is such a worrier.

Love, a very sorry,


Saturday, December 6, 2014

They say I’m a pretty boy.


20141115_235640So I was wondering.---- Now that it is Christmas time, does that mean Santa is going to come to our house and leave something wonderful under our tree.

I hear that he only leaves toys for good little boys and girls, and I try really hard to be good, but I was hoping that being pretty helps. So dear Santa if you check in on our blog, please think about the cute things I’ve done all year. I’d love to be on your nice list, and I’d like to add Annie’s name also.

If any of you have any influence on the big guy in red, would you please put in a good word for us?


A nervous and waiting boy, Quigley