Thursday, December 24, 2015
Christmas Eve
Aunt Ria and Hugh Scott are here and tonight our good friends Mary Ann, Les, Rich, Doug and Victor are coming. They invited Big Doc, but he is going away. We wish all of you could come and eat with us and maybe one of you would drop something on the floor-- for us (you know they never give us anything good)
May your days be blessed with love and joy, and remember, two little dogs in Pa. love you all.
Until mom can get a picture on this silly blog, smile, eat and let someone new, scratch your ears.
Love Annie and Quigley
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Tree down.
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Who’s bullying who?????
All I ever hear is Annie be nice to your brother. Don’t pick on him, let him play, it’s his bed too.
Well the proof is in the pudding. You tell me who is doing the picking. Doesn’t look like it’s me.
Remember things are not always as they seem.
But this thing is, I love my brub and all of you too.
Have a happy November,
Love, Annie the innocent.
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Could you get the door please.
So, yesterday mom did something called a Craft Fair. Well it didn’t seem very fare to us. They left while it was still dark, and they put tons of stuff in the car, seemed a little strange to us.But honestly we thought we were going to see Shelli and Camille. So beside being disappointed about that not happening, it seemed they were never coming home.
Now we eat at 10 sharp in the morning, and 10 o’clock came and went and we didn’t get fed. Finally about 11 dad showed up and gave us something to eat and let us go out, but the stinker went and left again.
Sis and I talked about it, he came home without mom, just what do they do at a fair? It couldn’t have been more fun than being with us. Could it? Oh that is a scary thought.
But finally they came home, mom too and we were soooooooooo happy. But mom was beat, at least that is what she said, and they left all that stuff in the car. So there was no walk last night.
Never fear tho, this morning they cleared out the car, and silly people left the back door of the car open, and this is what happened.
WE got in and refused to get our until dad walked us. Annie kept telling them to close the door, cause the car can’t go if it’s open.
We are almost back to normal, mom is still a little tired and dad only wanted to walk once today, but they promise, tomorrow will be better.
Hope no one you love throws you over for any kind of fair, craft or not.
We sure wouldn’t.
Love the smarter than the average bear,
Quigley and Annie
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Who’s a prima Doña---
Since I am a working dog, (did I just say that 3 letter word about myself?) I must always be on watch. No matter where I am, I know where mom and dad and even brub are at all times. And------------because of that I always know where a warm spot may have just popped up. I like warm spots, so when mom got up to do whatever that woman is always doing, I jumped into action. Or should I say up on the action.
Really, look, there was the couch, a really comfy blanket all rolled up, and mom’s blue neck pillow, just waiting for my sweet little bones. Oh don’t worry, I don’t play favorites, as soon as dad gets up from his couch, I’m on it. And when they come back I will move, with a little help from them. But you can’t blame a girl for trying.
So here’s to your finding a warm, soft place to land. Especially one that smell’s like someone you love.
Have a happy day,
Love, the most prima like girl,
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Look who showed up yesterday.
So dad got home a little early yesterday and he was working in the garage.
Mom went out to check on him (she worries about him with all that sharp stuff) anyway, when she opened the door, this is what she saw.
She called to dad and said look at this bird on the railing, what is it? Dad knows all kinds of stuff, so he told her-----beats me. Mom fussed and fussed, and finally got on something she called GOO----Gal, (Google) and found that dad’s guess (he always guesses if he’s not sure) was right and it was a baby hawk.
Little hawk stayed around all day, dad got pretty close to it once to put a dish of water out for it, but he knows to NEVER try to touch a wild bird unless it’s hurt. We ( Annie and I) were worried about it, but we never even barked at it, kinda wanted it to stay.
But after a few hours, it was gone. Mom said we were blessed today, because we got to see something beautiful that lives in the wild. I was just happy because we live in a home where all animals are deemed wonderful.
Hope you are blessed today with something you never saw before. Maybe it could be us.
the quiet, Quigley and Annie
Sunday, September 13, 2015
What does traitor mean and who is Benedict Arnold
Happy, happy joy, joy happened this weekend. Our sweet Shelli came to visit. We were a little sad because Camille and Andy stayed home, but we adjusted..
Now what was that all about. It started the first night our sweet Shelli was here and we didn’t want her to be lonely, so we slept with her in her room and in her bed. Mom shouldn’t have cared, dad was still with her, but for some reason it made her say these silly words.
I mean it’s not like she doesn’t love Shelli, she really does, a lot. And she generally isn’t stingy with anything, but geeze, a little love to our girl and she gets all weird on us. We made up for it last night tho, we sadly let Shel sleep alone
and went back to our bed upstairs.
Do any of you understand any of this?
We hope you get to be with someone you love that you don’t see everyday, and that no one calls you names.
Love, traitor and Benedict Arnold,
we mean Annie and Quigley
Sunday, August 23, 2015
It was a LOVE fest----------
So mom and dad, told us to get in the car. And it was full of stuff---never a good sign. That always means that we are going to have to be in the car for a longgggggggggggggggggggggggg time. And we were.
But when we got to our destination, (mom said it only took a little over 4 hours, but if you ask Annie or me, it really took about 4 years) this was our reward.
Our dear sweet Camille.
She and I (Quig) had a little lay down, and a little face time. She doesn’t mind one bit if I kissed her over and over. A little dog lips never hurt anyone.
And this is our house when we go to the farm. Nice huh?
Camille got to spend the night, one of the nights we were there and this is how we started our day. Again, she loves puppy kisses and Annie thought she was the sweetest thing.
Oh we had the best of times, we got to run in the field, I (Quig ate horse poop, mom said it was disgusting, I thought it just tasted wonderful) We played with Andy, and Norman and Lady walked with us every morning.. We have lots more pictures and a video of Camille riding her newest horse. His name is Simon and mom thinks he is super sweet.
So stay tuned, more pics will be coming soon.
Hope you get puppy kisses every morning, and can run the fields every day,
WE love you,
Quigley and Annie
Monday, August 10, 2015
My mom missed it----
She is so sad about it, but we don’t really care. What did she miss you ask? It was our birthday. Since we got here, she thought our birthdays were in August. But she found out today that they are in July. Which means, she missed it.
We are 4 years old now, and its been a wonderful 3 plus years here with mom and dad.
As you can see, life is slow and easy. We can lay on the deck or in the yard,
OR on the cool kitchen floor. Anywhere we want, life is good in our house.
It’s was a wet June and July, then really, really hot in August. So we haven’t been doing too much, but next week, we are off to Shelli’s, so who knows what kind of trouble we can get into there.
So until then, hope no one misses your birthdays and that you always have someplace cool to lay your head.
We love you all,
Quigley and his little sister Annie
Thursday, July 9, 2015
We may be a little fuzzy, BUT
We know it’s been awhile since we came by to visit, but it is either raining here or just too hot to go out, so we are being really boring. Hopefully we will do better soon.
But remember we love you and think about you all the time,
The wiggly, Quigley and the settling Annie
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Oh the indignities-------
Now we all know I have beautiful hair. It’s soft and luxurious. The color, well it makes everyone stop and stare.
But beauty comes at a price and this is it.
I really hate being brushed, I love being petted, but brushing is just annoying.
The hair on my back legs on my underbelly is curly, one of my most adorable things (if you ask me or my mom, she loves that curly hair). But because of that it tangles a lot.
So I can only take the brushing for so long. Dad is one determined man, boy when he gets going, he just doesn’t know when to stop,
Finally I have to take matters into my own hands and just say no………. I’ll eat that thing if I have to.
But I guess it’s all worth it, when it’s done I’m even more beautiful than ever and if only I could not roll in bunny poop I’d stay that way a lot longer.
Oh well, hope you all have a wonderful day.Let someone brush your hair, it means they love you,
If you were close enough I’d lick your feet, I’m not tall enough to brush anyone’s hair.
Remember we love you,
Annie and her always beautifully coifed brother, Quig
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Day or Night
The other day, we went for a ride with mom. We went to a place called St. Vincent DePaul’s. It is a cool place where you can donate stuff you just don’t want anymore.
While mom was putting her stuff in the bin outside, some guy (we think he volunteers there) came out to empty the bins and took one look at me, (Quig) and fell in love.
He asked mom if she wanted to get rid of me------can you believe it? Mom wanting to give me up=======NEVER. She kind of laughed and said, no sir, no way. But he asked her again. Said he’d love to have me, he really liked the way I look. Again,, she said nope—and then added, he would have to cut both her arms and legs off and then cut her heart out before he could ever get close enough to even think about it, and then he’d have to go through dad.
Not happening.
Maybe he thought because we were there, that’s what she wanted. You know with all the donating stuff. Mom said we were never going on that ride again.
So here we are, together, in our house with each other and the parents. This is where we belong and where we will stay forever.
It is nice to know I’ve still got it though,
Love, the most beautiful Quigley and his forever sister, Annie.
Monday, May 25, 2015
Shake--rattle---and roll
I really like the deep water, Quig prefers the more shallow stuff, so we both got to go in the parts that made us happy. The park in Hopwood is perfect, except for one thing, they just won't let me off leash to show my amazing abilities in the water. So there is always a silly leash in my way.
Anyway, we hope you like this little video, if only mom got better at it, there would be more.
Wishing all of you a creek to swim in, a brother to bully and parents who always think you are adorable.
Love, the fish like girl,

Saturday, May 23, 2015
Who ever said dogs don’t look up…….
Okay I admit this was one really cool thing to look up at, and it wasn’t all that far up. But look up I did……
You have to admit that is the coolest bird’s nest you’ve ever seen. That little robin sure worked hard to make such a perfect little home for it’s baby’s.
But as all realtors will tell you location, location, location. Location is the most important part of any investment, and that poor little bird just didn’t think about the wild cats that roam our yard.
That little home was just too close to the ground and just too easy for those wily critters, so that beautiful little house stayed empty. But it makes us happy, and I tried to keep it safe, always on the alert to defend the helpless. And if by chance the birds come back to it, I will protect her little ones till they can fly away.
Love, always on watch,
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Riding on Sprite-----
Mom and dad didn’t let us go along on this excursion, but at least shared this picture with us. Camille takes riding lessons, and this is her on Sprite. Mom went on and on about how well she did. Such a little girl on such a BIG dog, I mean horse.
I think she can make it go where she wants because as mom likes to say, she is a DeCarlo girl and they are strong and determined, and as, ( Annie likes to show,) a little bossy.
It was a fun trip, even if they sometimes left us behind. Maybe next time they will let us run with the BIG dogs……maybe not.
Have a fun day,
Love Annie, the--I don’t believe them that I’m bossy, girl
Monday, May 11, 2015
Let us introduce you to-----
Mom thought that I’d never want to do anything but chase a cat. But then I saw Caroline, and I fell in love. I followed her around wherever she went, even tried to go up the stairs that had no back, when she ran away from all the commotion that sometimes went on in the big room.
I even cried a little when she wouldn’t come back down to see me. She is a real beauty, don’t you think?
Wanted to show you what dad did while we were at the farm. He so wants to be a farm hand, so Shelli took him under her wing and showed him how to curry a horse. Piper was very patient with the newbe and made my dad one happy guy.
Here’s to you getting to do something on your bucket list, dad got to curry a horse, and I got to fall in love with a cat. Oh what a day.
Love, a happy,
Want to see some horses?
This is GT and Elvis. Oh boy were they a big hit. The parents went on and on about how beautiful they are, and regal, how impressive they are.
But come on, we all know they are just really BIG dogs. I mean look they have 4 legs, two eyes and ears and like to nuzzle. Elvis even came when mom said his name. I am sure she told him what a good boy he was for doing that, she’s always happy when we come when called.
Sounds a lot like us if you ask me. Here is GT and Camille’s pony Piper. Now the “pony” is in the front. We just don’t understand, does that mean I’m a pony? (Annie speaking here) Since I’m a little smaller than Quig. Oh well people are funny the way they talk.
Wanted to share the really big dogs that Shelli and Camille have, I mean really cool horses………..
Have a happy day, and find something this pretty to look at,
Love, Annie
Sunday, May 10, 2015
First of all-------HAPPY MOTHERS DAY
I know it’s been a very long time since we stopped by to say hello, but we’ve got a lot of excuses……..
First of all we went to see Andy, well really it was to see Camille, but the big extra was seeing Andy. Now we were only gone for 4 days, but look at the bags mom put together to take. And believe it or not---there were more already in the car. Annie and I were afraid they wouldn’t have room for us.
But they did and after a long ride, we arrived at the farm. Now I know we’ve said it before, but we really love that place. We are free to run and roll and sniff all kinds of stuff.
Here I am being a foot rest for Camille. She and dad were doing crafty stuff mom brought along. My fur is very soft, and little toes really like enjoying the feel of them.
This is Bosco, he’s something called a cat. Now the rumor is, dogs don’t like cats, but as you can see in this picture, that is just not true. I love Bosco and he loves me. I asked mom to bring him home with us, but she said it would make Camille sad,so we couldn’t do that. Next time around we’ll show you the cat Annie fell in love with.
Speaking of Annie, she found a spot to sun in and show how pretty she is.. Don’t worry she didn’t dig that hole, she just took it over for the few days we were there.
The farm is a wonderful place, we love being able to run and play and kiss a pretty little girl’s face. We slept the whole way home and then mom couldn’t get these pictures to download (what ever that means) so it took awhile to post. Sorry…….
More pictures of the horses, and dogs and cats to come, but until then, here’s to taking a little road trip to see the people you love.
We wish we could take one to see all of you,
Love, the adorable’s,
Quigley and Annie
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
As Shelli puts it-------
It’s three years ago today that we found our way to our forever home. We didn’t have a clue what we had in store for us, or even where we were going. But being just little kids, we went where they took us and did what they said we had to do.
Just imagine our surprise after days and days and days and days, (okay maybe it wasn’t that long, but it sure felt like it) when we stopped in front of this house, and this person came running out. Oh she was soooooooooo happy to see us. She oohed and awed and when Annnie went belly up she rubbed it.
When she saw how shy I was, she touched me oh so gently, and told me she loved us already.
It was just the beginning of our love fest, it still goes on to this day, and they promise to go on for the rest of our lives.
So we are celebrating love today, and send it on to you. Because it is your gotcha day too, it’s the day we got you…..
With all our love,
Quigley and Annie the happiest dogs in the world
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Wasn’t it nice of God------
So this is our favorite park, you know the one in Hopwood that we talk about so much. Well we have been having a lot of rain lately, and dad said this was a flood.
But we think he is sooooooooooo wrong. It is just another place for us to have a drink and wash our feet and just make him a little crazy.
It took a long time for that to dry up, our walks involved going back and forth, walking through mud (OH happy day) and thinking this spring thing is okay. Anyway, it’s all dried up now, and mom has decided that it’s okay for her to come along. She is so fussy about wet, mud, dirt---, we just don’t understand.
We have an anniversary coming up soon. It will be 3 years we have been in our forever home. We finally believe they will love us forever, just like they promised.
So we’ll talk to you soon, and don’t forget walking through mud is the most fun,
Love, Annie and Quigley
Monday, April 6, 2015
Oh Boy am I in trouble--------
Yup, you guessed it, that is what got this little girl in trouble. Our good friend Miss Rosemary came to have dinner with us, and she couldn’t get into the fence, so she started to come to the front door. Mom and dad both went running to help her, cause we don’t have a railing on the steps in the front.
That’s when I saw my chance, dad had been cutting up the ham ( do you have any idea how good ham smells to dogs?) and I admit, I had been stalking the floor to see if he dropped any. But he didn’t and I was getting a little disappointed.
And that is when the commotion started and I saw my chance.
And I almost got away with it, if my dope of a brother hadn’t messed me up.
As Miss Rosemary was coming in the back door with dad, mom was watching to make sure no one tried to jump on her. Quig was doing his “oh I am so excited, oh I am so cute,” and all of a sudden mom started to panic. All I heard in the back of my mind was her saying---where’s Annie, John, where’s Annie. Me, I just wanted to hide, cause,—well--, I kind of,—sort of—stole a hunk of ham. And I had it stowed away in the little crate. I was trying to eat it before anyone saw, but NO, because of brub, she started looking for me, and nabbed me.
She made dad take away what was left from what I swiped, and she was really disappointed in me. I have been told a million times not to get up on the counters, but REALLY-- it was ham, and it smelled soooooooooooooooo good.
So today I am literally in the DOG house. But lucky for me, they really love me and their short term memories and just that- short. So today, they aren’t giving me the evil eye anymore.
I hope you got to eat all the ham you wanted to, and no one got disappointed in you.
Blessings to all our friends,
Love, Annie the girl who almost got away with it.
Monday, March 30, 2015
Our mom left us------
Do you think this pose is cute enough to get her to come home again? She usually stops and rubs my belly when I do this, but what about when she is staying somewhere else?
I know sometimes she wants to go see Aunt Maria, and we can’t go because dad just can’t be alone. He needs us to take care of him, to make sure he goes for walks, eats regularly, goes to bed on time. So we stayed home and she left us.
We did all we promised to do, and prayed she would come back home sooner than later.
And joy of all joy, she did. She came back home today and we jumped for joy, ran around in circles, and kissed her face. It’s nice to have our little family all together again.
I am a little worried tho, we did such a good job taking care of dad, does that mean she is going to go away again?????
Help us keep our momma home,
Love, Annie
Saturday, March 28, 2015
We LOVE to go to the bank
Hope you have a day full of friends giving you treats, that’s one of our favorite days,
Love a satisfied,
Quigley and Annie
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
she said “it’s that time of the year again”
She told dad, he didn’t believe her. She told him again, and he laughed at her, saying it’s only March.
I didn’t understand, until he called her into the kitchen the next day and said those really bad words………Quigley’s got a tick. Now I’m not sure what I told you so means, but mom said it over and over and over again. It seemed a little bit of overkill if you ask me, cause it was just one little tick.
But mom had to hold my face while dad pulled it out. Oh she cooed and kissed me, told me what a good boy I am, and I even got a treat when it was all over. but---
Then they had to put the medicine on my neck, and I don’t like the smell, and it makes me sad, and I pout and fuss. And then for a full day I look sad, just like in my picture.
But not to worry, I am all better now. I’m happy and dancing around. And don’t have to think about ticks or that smelly medicine for one whole month.
So here’s to not being sad, and mom never having to say I told you so to dad ever again.
Love the tickless,
Sunday, March 15, 2015
What the heck, is that------
I’m not sure just what I’m looking at. It’s bright and yellow and just a little bit warm……….
Could it be that thing called the sun?
Mom said it would happen, and it did. Her biggest complaint now is we just don’t want to come in the house. Now quite honestly, she doesn’t mind my being out. What with how quiet I am. I just sit and enjoy the sun, BUT sissy, now that is another thing.
Oh yeah, she looks all quiet and sweet here, but the minute mom is out of sight, doing something important, or just fun, she starts. She barks and fusses, she chases bunny’s and cats. She carries on so much that I have to get into it and try to stop her. That just makes mom even crazier, cause then I start making noise, and you all know that is just not in my character. But a boy’s got to do what he has to do to protect his sister.
Anyway, the buds are starting to come out and the bunnies and doves are back, so we are sure that means Spring is here. We hope it’s pretty and bright and warm wherever you are.
We love you, and hope to be stopping in more now that the sun found it’s way back to our house. We were beginning to think we made it mad…….and might never come back again.
Happy days,
Quigley and his noisy , nosey sister, Annie
Thursday, March 5, 2015
The last snow of the season????????
but not as pretty as me in the snow.
We woke up to at least 6 inch’s of snow this morning, and mom and dad may not be thrilled, but we sure are.
Something was on my deck last night, I can smell it, maybe if I dig a little deeper, I’ll figure out what it was.
Sissy said it was the street cats. She thinks her smeller is better than mine, but since mine is so much bigger, I think she is wrong.
You have to admit it sure is pretty, but soon, this wisteria will be covered with beautiful lilac flowers, and full of singing birds. At least that is what mom is wishing for.
May your day be beautiful, and a lot warmer than ours.
Love, the biggest snow bunnies you will ever see,
Quigley and his sissy, Annie