Sunday, July 29, 2012
What a nice day.
Yesterday mom said we were going to see Aunt Maria. But then something happened and we had to turn around and we came home.
So when they told us we were going to go again today, well we just didn’t believe them. They kept going in and out of the house to the car, never taking us. One time Quig (I) got so concerned that he (I) just ran out of the yard and stood at the car door.
Again we started to doubt that we were going, but after a little while, they let us in the car. Annie was quite a handful, let me tell you. She whined and carried on, tried to get into the front seat. Dad was driving, and mom was having a fit. She said that she was going to drive home so dad would have to try and control her.
Well we finally got there and who was waiting for us, but Aunt Maria. They didn’t lie. they really were going to take us to see her. Everyone visited, we saw lots of strangers that thought we were beautiful.
And then we had a picnic. We got to eat somewhere other than in our own kitchen.
At first Annie wasn’t sure , but I had no problem, I just started right in and ate all my food in one fell swoop. Then we had desert. Aunt Maria brought us a new kind of treat----Yummy!!!!!
So when it was time to go, mom jumped into the front seat and dad became the passenger. And us--------well we went to sleep.
And we slept the whole way home.
It looks like we may get to go to the beach and see Camille, and Shelli and Rob, after all.
Even when we woke up we behaved. No fighting, or crying. No trying to get into the front seat. We were just really good kids.
I guess, we just like it when dad talks to us and mom drives us. It works for dad, but I’m not too sure mom will go for it.
We loved seeing Aunt Maria, and are happy to be home again.
Love to all Quigley and Annie…………….
Friday, July 27, 2012
I know it’s been awhile
We’ve been a little crazy around here. Quigley didn’t feel good the other day, so mom was obsessed with that. Just a note, he’s doing better today.
And I’ve been waiting for the new ball to arrive. FedEx said it would be here on sat., then wed, and then it got here today.
It’s not exactly like my old one, but it’s red and round and lights up, so I guess it will have to do.
As you can see I like it a lot and it only took me 20 minutes to break this one open.
Mom was a little disappointed, but said as long as it made me happy for that long, it was worth it. We sure are spoiled. I meant to say, you don't think we're spoiled do you?
It’s a wonderful life, don’t you think?
Love, Annie and the recovering Quigley
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Such perfect little soldiers
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
I am so glad he can adapt
Okay, so I know, this has always been dad’s spot. But look at it. Lots of pillows. And it always looks so comfy.
But he loves me and pretends he doesn’t notice that I am in his spot.
It is a little hard for him to work on his computer, so I am not sure how long I’m gonna get away with this. But while I can, I’m just going to pretend too.
Pretend that I am so fast asleep that I can’t move. Please don’t tell.
Love, the conniving but beautiful Annie
Monday, July 23, 2012
We met Izzy today
Isn’t she pretty? She owns Grammy Sally. This was the first time we all met. And I gotta say, it was a fun time. Grammy was a little nervous, but mom and dad told her that it would be fine and it was.
We have to admit, that Annie was a little jealous at times. She wanted Izzy to know that she was the boss, and these were her people. Izzy on the other hand, just wanted to have some fun. I keep telling everyone that Annie is a bit of a bully, but she came around and decided that we could all run and play, as long as Izzy didn’t try to take over mom and dad.
We invited her back. Grammy said that she would try to come again in a few days. The more time we can spend together the happier we all will be. Annie told me after they left, and before she fell asleep, that she really did like Izzy and hoped to see her soon. She promised to be better next time. I was a perfect gentleman the entire time they were here. Actually, mom says I am just PERFECT.
Until next time,
Love, Quigley and Annie
Just one more picture. This was when the pretty girl and her person first got here. A little butt sniffing---------oh happy day.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
It was Miss Rosemary
Mom and dad’s good friend Miss Rosemary came today. And once more we were a huge hit. But then again so was she, Mom and dad were so happy to see her and they all laughed a lot.
We tried really hard not to sit on her and not to kiss her too much. And Quig was really good, he never once tried to lead her anywhere. We just love when we get to see new people, and once more we made the parents proud.
So here is an open invitation, come visit anytime. It makes us so happy.
Love, Quigley and Annie
Friday, July 20, 2012
A girl’s just gotta do, what she’s gotta do
We have been having a lot and I mean a lot of rain lately. So we can’t go out, actually we won’t go out. Our feet get wet, my beautiful hair gets wet, and not the good kind of wet, like when we swim. So Quigley and I have just decided to stay in the nice cool house as much as possible. As much as we love this, we do get a little bored. Mom hates when we run like wild children up and down the stairs. And now that Quigley is trying to be a better boy—a girls’ got to make her own fun.
So this is what I do, find a toy, tease him with it, and make him want to play tug of war-----I LOVE this game. I always win. I pull really hard, and you can’t see it by these pictures, but I can get the big guy off that couch. Then it’s game on.
Mom said, the rain is going to stop some time today, so our life will be getting back to normal. Normal to us, is wonderful
I hope if you have to play tug of war, you always win.
Love, Annie
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Okay so how cute are we?????
And then it met it’s match
This wonderful little ball lived a long and wonderful life. But thanks to ME it has gone by the wayside of all our toys. Done, finished, hit the road. I don’t know what came over me, I really loved this ball, like to hold it while I laid upside down, carry it up and down the stairs, play with it all by myself. But the devil came, got inside my head somehow and made me kill it.
I am really sorry, I want my ball back. Mom won’t let me have it now. Something about eating and choking on small pieces. Dad is on the computer, looking for one. I heard her say to get two. I was really excited until I realized she plans on letting Quig have one. That’s okay though, we all know everything eventually ends up mine anyway.
Play easily with your favorite toys today, or they might end up like mine do.
Love, the little girl without her favorite ball, Annie
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Mom never break's her promises
Mom said I could have doggy ice cream for my birthday and here it is.
I am not sure if you can tell or not, but I REALLY love it. It says it’s peanut butter flavored, but since mom doesn’t give me people food, I’ll just have to take their word for it. I let sissy have some too, it would have been mean not to. Lucky for me, they don’t only buy this for us on birthfday’s.
Cause I love Ice Cream.
Love, Quigley
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
We have a new feeding schedule
We use to get fed twice a day. One cup each time. Then Quig (the dog who inhales his food) had a day where he threw up his food after eating it too fast.
So the always vigilant mom, thought about it for awhile, and thought maybe if we get fed 4 times a day, it might be better for the big lug.
I actually thought it was a good idea. 4 times instead of 2 times, that’s twice the food.
WR0NG-------------------she just gave us less each time we ate. (as you can see in this picture, Quigley is bored with the whole thing). So I am protesting. I have started to carry my dish around (and when he’s not looking I carry Quig’s around too). I chew on it, looking pitiful the whole time. Doing my best to make her think I’m starving.
Okay, even I get bored with the whole thing. I’ll just take a nap and keep my finger on the problem. If It’s time to eat, she’ll have to pick up my dish, and I’ll be right on it.
Hope your mom gives you enough to eat today. Stay cool it’s gonna be another scorcher.
Love, the starving Annie.
Monday, July 16, 2012
I don’t mean to complain------BUT
It is my birthday----and do you see that ball, all I wanted to do was play with it. But as cute as Annie is, she is a bully. Not only did she take it off of me, but walked around behind me dropping it. It’s called tempt and destroy at our house. Then as soon as I got over it, and wanted to go on to something else, this is what she did. This one is called drop and ignore.
The only one who even sang to me was mom. I was going to share my birthday with Annie. (No one knows her real date) But I’m having second thoughts about that too. She hates for me to have anything to myself, sooooooooo, we’ll see.
We are suppose to have doggie ice cream to celebrate tonight, maybe I won’t let her have any. That would show her.
Anyway, stay cool. Have fun, it’s a holiday you know. Quigley’s birthday, going on the calendar from now on.
Love the birthday boy. Quig
Sunday, July 15, 2012
A boy and his dog.
This is the end of a long day. We walked in the rain. Dad worked on the deck, so mom won’t fall through it again, and I had to supervise from the kitchen. Then we walked again tonight. It was so humid and muggy. We did see an incredible rainbow though. It was the biggest one dad ever saw, at least that is what he said. This all happened yesterday. But mom didn’t get it all set up until this morning. So hope your day was wonderful and bright. And may all your days have magnificent rainbows.
Love a dog and his boy…….
Mom and dad have been saying we need RAIN.
It's been really dry.
So anyway, yesterday, it RAINED a lot of the day. We got our first walk in, but our second was cut short, because of RAIN. Now they are saying it's RAINING again. Dad said something about not being able to walk this morning. They even fed us already, something that usually doesn't happen until we walk in the morning. Well we are fixing them. We are wild, running, fighting, playing tug of war. We (make that Annie) is making noise, a loud piercing chirp. I think I've weighed them down. Dad is mumbling about going anyway, IN THE RAIN. So if we can keep it up, we will get our walk in no matter what.
They can't blame us, it was their idea to walk every morning, we just love it so much. So now they are stuck, okay so now dad's stuck, Mom is not the morning walker.
So hope your day is wet or dry, whatever you need. And remember if you need to go for a walk, just run around like crazy, fight a little bit with your sibling, make loud noises. and it just might happen.
Love Annie and Quigley
You can’t tell by these pictures, but we all came home soaking wet……….
Friday, July 13, 2012
If she can’t see it------
Okay , so it might be a little unfair. But really, she is soooooooooooo fast, and bossy, and needy and a little bit of a bully. So sometime I just have to do what I have to do. Annie, loves to tempt me with toys when she is bored, drops them on me, hits me with them, but then she takes them and runs. She is pretty darn strong for a little bit of a thing, she can pull me across the floor anytime she wants. So every once in awhile, I’ve got to show her she can’t always have her way, this was one of those times. I’ll just cover her eyes and she’ll never know what happened.
Pretty smart, don’t you think?
Happy days, Quigley
Oh yeah, happy friday the 13th. I'm not superstitious, I think all days are wonderful.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Of course he didn’t plant zucchini’s
The word is dad use to plant zucchini’s in this spot. He is blaming me on the fact that he didn’t plant any this year. But I think he just got lazy. Why go through all that work when you’ve got something this pretty here already.
WHAT????????????????? If brub can do it why can’t I ? He’s got something here, it’s cool and soft. Did you notice all the ripples in the dirt? Quig did that, he loves to dig. It fits my svelte little body just fine.
Here is a side view. Lovely to look at, don’t your think?
This is something we think of as a delicacy, I don’t think mom agrees, as whenever we aren’t looking-----
Annie saw where she threw it, but she can’t find it either. I think they are a little mean. Our yard is full of fruit trees. The fruit falls off, what do they expect. I always thought a little fruit was good for you. Okay so these have already started to rot, but really…………………………
Oh well, you can see how very hard our lives are, but we wouldn’t trade them for the world.
Have a little fruit today,
Love,Annie and Quigley