Friday, July 6, 2012

It’s going to be hatefully hot today!!!!!


DSC00524That’s what mom said anyway. She made up her mind that we have to stay in our house all day. Well I know that she’ll let us out to do our business, but no laying in the sun today for Quigley. I figure I’ll just hold onto my dish and nap. At least I’ll know when it’s time to eat.

She keeps talking about fall, I thought maybe she did that again. But no, it must be a place, cause she says walking will be so much more fun. I don’t know about that, cause Quig and I don’t have too much trouble doing it now, but I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

So go and curl up with your favorite dog bowl, or book or, tv show. Mom says to stay cool and be careful. It’s just wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy to hot. She’s preaching at dad already. He’s not allowed to work outside today. And she call’s me bossy.


Love, Annie

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