Saturday, May 31, 2014

Look who came to visit.


20140530_143311Oh boy, we were so happy.

Yesterday we heard a car pull up to our house. And as per our job, we ran to the door and barked. We have to keep our mom safe as dad was at work.

And low and behold, when we got to the door, it was Aunt Ria. We couldn’t believe our eyes, we were so happy, we ran round and around until mom threated us. I’m not sure why she resorts to such harsh measures, we are the most perfect of dogs.

Proof is in this picture, a girl reading with a perfect dog laying next to her on the couch.

She left already, and we’re pretty sad about it. I’m not sure why she won’t stay longer, but we appreciate whatever time she’ll give us.

Hope someone wonderful is at your door today, and that they will let you sit next to them on the couch.

Love ya bunches,


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