Thursday, May 31, 2012
She Came, She Saw, She Loved
All in all, I think it was a great success, love flowed all around. We all ate good food, theirs different from ours, smiles were given, memories made. That's what day's are meant to be, WONDERFUL.
It's me Quigley, talking for both of us,
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Just a note
Mom is in a thither today. Someone special is coming and she said we have to be on our best behavior. As if we ever are not .Anyway, there is this person called Aunt Ria, and mom say’s she already loves us, so we better not blow it. Mom is going crazy cleaning too, she said we make stuff dirty, can you believe it? So this note is going to be short, like mom…… I made a joke, ha, ha, ha.. I am sure more later, with pictures of the till now elusive, Aunt Ria.
A and Q
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Then our 300 lb dog hits the ground.
She smiled and said any of you reading this who is a DeCarlo woman, or loves a DeCarlo woman, or just wants to be a DeCarlo woman, will understand.
It's all Greek to me, but I Quigley admit today that I really do love DeCarlo women. All of them.......
Monday, May 28, 2012
Dogs with really special gifts…That’s not us.
First of all these are the pictures of us coming home from Jumonville yesterday. We really had a wonderful time, Annie took a swim, I sniffed my way through field and stream. Oh the joys of Uniontown’s mountains.
But the real story today is by Annie, so here she is. ‘
I heard a story about a wonder dog, This dog helped a little girl with diabetes, he could sense when her sugar was getting either low or high and would alert her parents. Wow, it was wonderful. So I was wondering what I might be able to do for my people that might make a difference in their lives. I am pretty, but no wonder dog here. But I think I may have come up with something last night. Mom was sleeping really well, because the air was on and the bedroom was nice and cool. Dad was in bed, so was Quigley, and as usual I was on my couch. It gives me time to think, and I thought I got a sense of something. I know how mom hates to get up in the night to go to the bathroom, but I thought she might need to go and didn’t realize it. So I immediately sprang into action. I ran and jumped on the bed, licked her about a hundred times, and then to make sure she knew what she had to do, I jumped on her stomach. It was then that I heard her say, “Oh geez, now I have to go to the bathroom. “ Success was obtained, Quig did try to stop her, but she bullied through, and in the end felt much better. I may have found a job.
Stay safe this memorial day, and thanks to all our veterans.
Love, Annie and Quigley
Sunday, May 27, 2012
I've been watching.

She maybe right though, I am pretty enough to not need any enhancement.
We are going to Jumonville again today, so maybe more later.
Have a happy Memorial Day Weekend
Love, Annie
I was wondering, do you think this is my best side?????
Saturday, May 26, 2012
So yesterday, It was an epiphany
Sometime I just don’t understand. I want to do what they want, I want to make them happy, but honestly—sometime-- I just don’t understand. But yesterday, when grammy Sally was here, mom had an idea. And as much as I hate to admit it, it was a great one.
We all know how much I have avoided the leash, but mom really wanted me to not jump on grammy. No one understands ! Oh my she smells so sweet, and she smiles at me and tells me how much she loves me. It was just too much . I jumped, not hard, I didn’t hurt her, but it made mom sad, so she got out my leash. When I saw it, I started to rethink my actions. I started to calm down. Mom put it on me and all of a sudden, I GOT IT. Not only will they take me FUN place’s with this leash thing, but it make’s me feel under control, maybe even safe.
So now when they want this look---
keeping a leash close, is all they have to do. We are all so much happier. And that is all any one ever wanted.
That’s one small step for man, and a giant leap for dog kind.
I love you all, Quigley.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Cammie girl
I am going to have to come up with something new and interesting soon, or Quigley will have to write all the upcoming news.
Don’t worry, I’m smart, I’ll come up with something.
Happy day, mom’s home all day, Grammy Sally is coming and the sun is out.
You have one too.
Love, Annie
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Okay let’s talk
He is a wild man, gets this look on his face somewhere between, a smile and a smile by Jack Nicholson in the Shinning. He thinks it's absolutely charming, I think it's strange.
I on the other hand, am sweet and gentle. I am so light that when I jump on you, you can barely feel it. (Did I just admit that I jump?) I have finally found my voice as mom says, and I think it has a melodic tone to it, a little high pitched, for some, but what do they know. I can now let people know that this is MY yard, MY house, MY people. It feels kind of good too.
Dad and Quig, forgot to tell you that when mom brought home that "piece of grass thing" she also brought us these really nice, bandanna's, That say "I'm a happy rescue dog". We can only wear them when we go out as they are for dress up, and she thinks we will destroy them. Sometimes I think she has no faith in us. Anyway since we are happy rescue dogs, I think we will wear them with pride.
I have a bad feeling about today, it looks like a mom working day. Which means we will have a lot of responsibilities. Think good thoughts for us, that rug from the other day really needed to die, but we haven't convinced them of that yet.
Stay cool,
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
An odd patch of grass
Annie lost her mind. She's on her back wiggling around like an angle worm, barking and pulling at her own tail. Sometimes I feel bad for her. She has dignity issues.
Dad hasn't been much use to me today. He started reading a book called "Cesar's Way". After a couple hours of reading he started acting all Calm and Assertive. Not sure what that's all about.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
I call it redesigning
There were a lot of really fine looking toys in this house. Stuffed one's, round one's, pull one's, and some called indestructible. That made me laugh. I think all toys need to be investigated, need to be redesigned, need to be inspected. And to do that correctly you need to really get into the guts of the toy. I think I need to be put on somebody's board of directors, as I am really good at this.
We still have a large basket of stuff, I don't thing anyone would really call them toys tho....... It's not an easy job, but somebody's got to do it and I volunteer.
Dad thinks it's silly to buy more, but we just look sad and try to find a shoe or something to redesign., so that kind of convinces mom differently. I guess, I could just push Quig around a little more. What do you think?
Love, Annie
Monday, May 21, 2012
Jumonville, a little bit of doggy heaven
Anyway, they stayed home for a good while, conned us into thinking all was well, when all of a sudden mom started collecting stuff. Annie likes to collect toys, but this was different. She was getting water, a bowl, some towels, of course some Bil Jac, and put them all in a big gold purse thingy. Then those dreaded leashes came out (okay they are getting much less dreaded, but I'm not telling them that). So they opened the gate and I even went without a fight. I had to stop co-operating when they wanted us in the car, I can only do so much, I just stood there and dad had to convince me to get in.
So off we went, and we found this wonderful wooded, place called Jumonville. We walked for a long time, through woods and over gravel. The smells were amazing, Annie had to stop a lot because she was with mom, and mom isn't quite the hiker, but she didn't mind, as it gave her more time to sniff. At the end of the long path, was a huge garden type place, it had ponds and fresh water, and more paths through the woods. I am telling you, this was doggy heaven.
They promised us we'd go again, but man were we tired when we got home. Dad was okay, but mom, Annie and I slept most of the day.
Come and walk with us at Jumonville sometime, it will make your tail wag.
Love, Quig and the gang.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
John tested--- Annie approved
Mary Ann brought mom the cookie recipe. It was a long day, what with the bath and all, the trauma. But by afternoon, Quigley forgave dad some and it seemed we were going to just settle into a wonderful saturday thing. When night came, dad wanted mom to make the cookie's, she promised to make them tomorrow ( which is now today) but he couldn't wait. Dad is a pretty good baker, so she just smiled and let him go at it.
It wasn't very long when the kitchen smelled wonderful and mom was saying they tasted wonderful. He was working in the kitchen on mom's new phone while they cooled and then we all came into the living room. Quigley fell asleep and all got quiet. Mom has this thing called allergies and they were "acting up", so she decided to take a pill and go to bed. She went into the kitchen to get the pill and oh my what did she see?
There was Annie, somehow reaching on top of the island , where the cookies were cooling, eating them one at a time. When mom came in and saw, Annie very wisely dropped the one she had just stolen and looked innocent. Mom called our VERY loudly for dad and asked how many were eaten. She had gotten 5. Now I don't know if you remember or not, but the cookies were PEANUT BUTTER, CHOCOLATE CHUNKS.
Mom being mom went into panic mode, dad being dad, went with her. Lucky for Annie, our vet is a long time family friend and so when dad called him at home at 9 o'clock at night he didn't get mad. Lucky for her too, cause he said the cookies didn't have the bad chocolate in them and she would be alright. Dad was getting ready to put something down her throat that would make her throw up, and I don't think she would have liked that.
So yesterday was a day where we taught them a thing or two. NEVER leave stuff that SMELLS good anywhere that Annie can levitate to. They happen to be quick learners, so I guess Annie is out of luck as she'll never have a chance to steal goodies again.
Oh yeah, it's the next morning now, and if any of you are worried, Annie is fine, no side effects from the chocolate, but mom said, no matter what, she'll never taste that again.
Quigley, (THE GOOD DOG) signing off.
Hi guys, Camille here, just one more thing. We just spent about $100,00 dollars on 60 lbs of dog food that is grain free............................Yikes. And the first people food she has ever gotten here is cookies.
The best laid plans of mice and men.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
A bath…really?
Now does this look pretty to you?
Quigley and Annie…….
It's a thing called Saturday
They have been throwing a new word around. Something called a bath. I am not sure what that is, but they keep saying how much we like to swim, and water is involved, but I am just not too sure about this. We have had lots of New stuff these last couple of weeks. Couches, beds (a big favorite) lots of toys and balls and squeaky things. We do rides that don't last for days, have met lots of really new wonderful people. It seems we are pretty sweet, cause we hear those words a lot. But you just never know when the next new thing won't be really wonderful. Like at the vet's, he did something called cleaning out our anal sacks, oh boy neither one of us liked that at all, but Quig really hated it. So we will have to talk to mom and dad about this bath thing, maybe we can change their minds. I am sure if we loose, pictures of our disapproval will be forth coming.
Have a happy Saturday, if you have those in your world.
Annie and Quigley
Thursday, May 17, 2012
So what's wrong with Grey Hair???
Any way on the way home, mom was saying she needed her hair done, as her roots are getting grey. So what's wrong with Grey Hair, have you seen me? People talk about my beautiful hair all the time. I think she is just being silly. It just makes us look alike. Maybe we can get outfits that match. What do you think?
Love, Annie
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
We met our new Vet.
Well they did it again, put a leash on us and made us get into the car. (Okay, I don’t want them to know but, I didn’t mind as much this time) We had a nice ride, not to long, and new stuff to smell through the open window’s. And then when we got to the special place mom said we were going too, we got out of the car and it was utopia, the smells were wonderful, we wanted to just walk and walk around to see who all had been there before.
But they made us go in and boy was everybody nice. The girls all said how pretty we were, and something about Annie looking like some other dog. They let us kiss them, and there was lots of mutual admiration going on. We are thinking that this car thing might catch on.
Love, Quigley and Annie.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Our new friends
I want to thank my good friend Mary Ann, and I can't wait to see you face to muzzle. So until Sat., have fun with dad tomorrow and say hi to Wezzie for Quig and me.
Have you seen my teeth????
Have a good day, hope it is dryer where you are then it is here.
Love Quigley
Monday, May 14, 2012
Reincarnated ????????????? Really?
She figures when he opened his eyes for the first time, and realized that he was not in Uniontown, he panicked. And then he started to fret on how he was going to get home. When mom decided she wanted to adopt, Shelli sent his picture even before she sent mine. He was not what they were looking for, that was ME, but the minute mom saw him, she decided she had to have him too.
I'll be honest, I don't care if he is Willy reincarted or not I just know I love Quig and if part of him is Willy then I love Willy too. I just wish, he wasn't afraid of the leash. We could do so much more and go so many more places if he didn't fret so much. If anyone know's how he can not be afraid of his leash, mom would really appreciate your advice.
I need a nap, mom got up really early this morning and if she is up, so are we, so off to sleep I go.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
2 Posts in one day.
We love our forever home and the little family we now have. Thanks for being a part of it and following our stories.
Love, Annie and Quigley
A pepto morning
Saturday, May 12, 2012
We know we've said it before, but
We see the vet on wed, but if I don't perk up today, they will call him at home. Mom said next time, we will use the same kind of stuff they got for Annie, or nothing at all.
She said I made her stomach hurt. But I don't think it's my fault. Something about loving me so much.
Until later, a very laid back Quigley.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Don't tell mom.
Anyway, when dad left, he just closed us into the kitchen, alone, and locked the door,(like he thinks we're Willy and could get out--ha). But then what to do? We looked for something to do, but I guess he just forgot. So Annie got on the table and looked out the windows there, and I sat in front of the door and guarded the yard. It wasn't long before mom got home, she didn't seem mad. I guess she didn't know dad forgot what to do. But she kept telling us what good kids we were and we got kisses and lots of love. So all in all it was okay We. were going to defend dad if we had too, but she was cool and we just let it go.
Yesterday was a no crate day, seemed okay to us.
Love Quigley and Annie.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
A nice day to stay home and veg
Later we took Mom out for a walk in the lower yard so she could throw the ball for my sister. We saw some kids walking down the street and wanted to go meet them but they didn’t seem that interested in us…go figure.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
I am NOT dumb as a stump!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh the joys of a forever home.
Love Quigley
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
The joy of being owned by 2 Aussies
Thank you all for being so interested in our newest family members. Thank you so much to Shelli, for setting this all in motion, and most of all---Thank you to Johnna, for being able to part with them, and bringing them all the way to us here in Uniontown.
This post is all from John and I, but the love is from us all
C, J, A and Q
Monday, May 7, 2012
A bag ful of fun...........
Before I tell you how wonderful they are, (well for one of them it is now--how wonderful it was.--Annie already ate it,) I want to thank Deb for the toys. We think they are the best ever, I am sorry that Annie ate one, but I guess it smelled really good, and she couldn't help herself. It was really kind of you to share your goodies with us. Mom took some pictures of us with a few of them. I think she is holding out on us tho, I swear I can smell more somewhere.
So today is Thank You Deb Day, we hope to meet you soon.
Love, Annie and Quigley
Sunday, May 6, 2012
I think they were trying to loose us...........
First of all they took out those dreaded leashes----again--- Little Miss Perfect, (sticking my tongue out ) Annie, didn't mind at all. I for one HATE them. And then they actually put her's on, but I was having none of that. I am strong and fast, I know how to move, so off I went. Dad thought it was a game, so he called me, tried to trick me with bil jac, (I think that was mom, they always act together). Finally somehow, they did it. They nabbed me, I was leashed. Then they took us out of our safe little world and thought we should get into a red thing. Even Annie knew this could be a mistake and backed up, right out of her collar. That got the attention off of me, but she is SUCH A GOOD GIRL, (again, that is all I hear) that she came right back when mom called her name. So now they were determined to get us into that thing called a car. I just said NO, I'll give it to Annie she tried too, but mom just picked her up, and put her in the back seat. It was a little harder for dad, as I am a fighter. But he won. And somehow I was in the back seat with sissy. Once in, it wasn't so bad, we rode around, met dad's friend Jerome, went to the bank, and then came back home. Annie didn't like the ride thing, I think she thought we would have to be in the car like the last time. It took days. But we got home and they finally took my leash off'
BUT they threatened to do it all over again today. They keep saying we will like it more. But I have my doubts.
Quigley, here signing off.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Did you ever hear about a thing called a Tick?
When we first got here, there was a lot of kissing and getting to know each other (okay that hasn't stopped yet and with any luck never will] anyway, as I was getting rubbed all over, mom said "is that a tick?" But I was wiggling so much no one could get a good look at what she was talking about. So the next time someone felt it they tried to look again but----------- Alright let me tell you, I am one little girl, but I sure can move, I'm thinking of trying out for "So You Think You Can Dance" but that is a talk for another day---------. And I still wouldn't slow down for dad to see what it was, but he thought it was something he called a tag. Between you and me, these guys sure talk funny. So the day my new best girlfriend Stacy came over, she said, does she have a tick, good grief, these guys never give up, and again mom said we think it's a tag. Well two nights ago, dad was giving me the love I so richly deserve and he said that tag sure was getting big, and he decided nothing I did was going to stop him from examining me completely. And that is when mom started the Oh My God stuff. I won't go into how they worked on me to get rid of that thing. Dad said it was huge, mom said she didn't want to see it, but dad said it is really huge, and mom said I still don't want to see it. So she didn't look. They said something about going to find something to put on us so won't get any more.
I think they are going to take us with them, so we can go for out first ride in the car. I'll let Quig tell you all about it tomorrow.
Have a day full of sunshine and lollipop's. That is from mom, I have no idea what she is talking about.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
We just don't know how this happens
Dad came home and went to the cable company, walked in with the chewed up remote and said "we got new pup's can you tell?" Lucky for me the lady was nice and gave my dad a new one for free.
I just don't know how these things happen,
See you later,
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Hey brub, it's my turn, Annie here. Okay we got thru last night okay, after the white stuff was eaten BY THEM. We all went to sleep, had a good night they didn't snore too much so we didn't have to wake them up. About 6 this morning they started to stir and so we all had to get up. Mom went first, and we had to go make sure she was safe. She opened the door for all of us to go out, and low and behold, there was something wrong. It was wet, and I mean really wet. And then there was more of it coming down, hard. I didn't want to go out, Quigley didn't mind as much, but she made us. And then she put something over her head, it was big and very scary. I am afraid she is having a break down. First last night, then this morning. Dad finally had to come down and take over, we went out with him, but I was afraid to leave her alone, so I made her come out for a minute too. She kept saying some thing like. "They had to have seen rain before, what is there problem." But if you ask me she needs a rest.
Think good thoughts for her.
Quigley and Annie
PS, Camille here, the pop corn was really good.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Have a good and dry day.