I noticed something about mom, she likes color, not only in her clothes, but on her face. She sometimes lets me go up into our room when she is getting ready for work. She puts on a little light , looks into a mirror, and puts stuff on her face. So last night while everyone was sleeping, I decided to investigate. And low and behold, I found some little containers with colors in them. Mom wasn't awake enough for me to give them to her, so I figured maybe I could open one and check it out myself. But she was awake enough to hear my work in progress, to make dad get up and see what I was doing. It was just a little container of eye shadow, I didn't hurt it, (they just didn't give me enough time) so I just don't know what the big deal is, do you?
She maybe right though, I am pretty enough to not need any enhancement.
We are going to Jumonville again today, so maybe more later.
Have a happy Memorial Day Weekend
Love, Annie
I was wondering, do you think this is my best side?????
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