Mom wanted to show you the very last toy we had that was in one piece, but she said she just can’t find the toy in the picture. Lucky for me, because it no longer is in one piece. Actually she said she can’t find me, because I am a camouflage girl. I am not to sure what that mean’s but it has something to do with the fact that they can never see me. I blend into all of the stuff they have. I am beginning to get a complex, all I ever hear is, where’s Annie? I know I am small, petite, adorable, but invisible too? What good are all the other things, if no one can see me. They also say I am so light that when I jump on them they can’t even feel it, how can I make an impression if all that is true.
I am going to have to come up with something new and interesting soon, or Quigley will have to write all the upcoming news.
Don’t worry, I’m smart, I’ll come up with something.
Happy day, mom’s home all day, Grammy Sally is coming and the sun is out.
You have one too.
Love, Annie
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