We keep hearing names of other dogs thrown around here.
Most of their names are unique. And it seems most of them had a reason.
First there was Bogg, he was named that after a tv show. And the fact that mom figured if anyone said, what a pretty dog, what a good dog, he would think they were saying his name. (You know she is really slow sometimes. We are much brighter than that and our hearing is really good, so he could tell the difference. But she thought she was so bright, that we won't tell her any differently)
Then there was Jessie.I think it was dad's sister Sue Ann that had a dog that looked like her a long time ago, hence Jessie.
Spoon's name came from Bogg, I know go figure. But mom always called Bogg- Lovey Spoon, (I don't know why) so when she got Spoon she figured that it would come off her tongue easily
Too be honest she can't remember how Willy got his name. When he showed up, it was just Willy. He knew it, they knew it.
So now it comes to us. When they figured it was time to get a dog, mom started a list. Lots of different names were written down. And she wanted to name Annie, Willow. Dad wasn't sure, neither was Aunt Maria. Mom and Aunt Maria's mom's name was Annie. She was tiny and sweet, and let's admit it sometime a little bossy. Soooooooooo Annie turned out to be the right name for her. We all think granny Annie would have smiled when she heard about it.The only thing tho, she is always calling Quig, Willy anyway, so if one of us had had a similar name, it might not have been so bad.
Qugiley's name was down to Quincy or Qiugley. Dad wanted Quincy, so Quincy it was to be until he met him. And then he changed his mind. And let's be honest, Quigley is as much a Quigley as any dog could be. People think he was named after the movie, Quigley Down Under, but he wasn't. They never even saw that movie, although dad's mom thinks he looks like Tom Sellick . I don't see it, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
So anyway that's the story of the names.
Have a cool day, it's killer hot here.
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