Wow, get a little cocky and brag about how you can train your human and all heck lets loose. What a day Annie and I had today. Let me tell you how I believe it started.
We have this strange door between our kitchen and our dining room. It swings, but only one way. It opens from the kitchen into the dinning room. And it seems if I hit it just right, I can open it. I've got to move fast, but like I said before I can be fast when I want too. Mom and dad keep it closed when they are away, which makes me nuts, so when the door opened I went for it.

And then I found out I couldn't get back into the kitchen. And worse than that Annie was in there ALONE.......Oh what to do? I tried to get to her through the living room, even knocked down the gate on the steps..But I couldn't get to her. She was loosing her little mind, she tried to think of something to help get me back into the room with her. She bit though 2 cans of coke, tore up the rug I lay on, totally destroyed our fancy Rescue dog rug, ate dad's contact case. Oh boy what a day. Mom finally made it home to both of us yelling our heads off. Mom got scared when she only saw Annie, I think she was afraid I got hurt really bad. So that may have saved me. She went into shock when she saw the mess, I think she wanted to cry. She didn't yell, just put us outside while she cleaned up. She even still fed us when she was done.
I wish I could promise I'd never do anything this silly again, but I'm only 10 months old, and I won't lie. I am afraid they are going to start using that crate thing again. Oh woe is me.
Think good thoughts for me I'm really gonna need it....
Quigley the not so lucky guy.
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