Hi Quigley here, this one if from me alone. Annie hasn't a clue on how to retrain our humans. She thinks kissing, and coming when called, going pee pee when told to be a good girl, is going to train them to do what we want. I on the other hand, have a better grip on the reality of our new living arrangements. Our people are really good to us, they feed us our favorite food, two times a day, have tons of treats up high on the top of the fridge. (I think that is so we can't just graze on them at will) Mom has even given in to dad's insistence that we need walked more often. But the reality is, I need for them to give me treats at MY will. The only way this happens is, if they want me to come in, I can hide under the deck, or stand and cock my head (boy am I cute when I do this) and stand right outside of the door. They call and smile, tell me what a good boy I am (but they say that like it's a lie) but I hold my ground, and I won't come in. If they try to help me in by holding my collar, I just run away, I'm really fast when I want to be, you know. So when it get's to be too long with the door open, and the flies coming in, they ask Annie if she wants a treat. Then they take one of the many bags down and crinkle it to make a noise. I still act disinterested. So they make Annie sit and start to give her one. That is when I make my move, I come in sit like a good boy and SUCCESS is obtained.
So any of my canine friends reading this, just try it, it works. Oh yeah, one more thing, hide that darn Cesar Millan's book.
Have a treat filled day,
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