Okay, so we don’t know who Albert Gallatin is, but mom said he was pretty important. And then there was something about Indians in the woods. I don’t know, it sounded a little scary to me.
So after we did our hour long hike, we headed to our house. The tall ones had some kind of chicken, that smelled heavenly. We just got regular old dog food. We played with the other kids for awhile, but then this happened.
Lots of sleep
Don’t let Cinnamon fool you, she slept first and longest. She had to because she ran off and got a little lost. Mom and big doc, went looking for her and she was okay, but boy what a girl..
You see, she found a soft place to lay when we got into the house.
This is Frenchy, isn’t she cute. That little girl can really make some noise. So these are our friends, and they are coming back soon. Tomorrow we will tell you about our visit with Izzy.
Have a good hike today.
Love, Quigley and Annie
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