Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The end to the lazy, hazy days of summer.

We can smell something different in the air. Mom says it is a thing called Fall. Now we know about her fall (through the deck). We know about her telling us not to fall, running down the stairs. But it seems this fall is a season, not a happening.

DSC00905And it smells a little different around here now. And when we are on our walks, the trees look a little different. I know people think dogs don’t look up. But I guess because we are of superior intellect, we do. Annie is always looking up into our trees in the back yard. That may be because we have fruit trees and they are often throwing apples and pears at us. I always look up on top of the fridge, mom keeps our cookies there. Looking up is a good thing.

Any way we thought we better take advantage of this beautiful sunny day. We aren’t sure how long these are going to last. There is some talk about the weather changing here, getting colder and then something about snow. It seems we’ve got a lot to look forward too, but for today it sun and lounging. It’s a great life.

Love, Quigley and Annie

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