This is mom’s Wisteria. She thinks it is beautiful, me-I think it tastes good. I know, I know it’s not food, but it smells heavenly.
Now this is mom’s other favorite. It is a tree peony. This one doesn’t last as long—No, not because I eat it, just because, well it just doesn’t live long.
That’s me, peeking at that Peony. It is pretty, but I have to pick my battles. And this one, I just let slide.
Annie’s doing her, don’t even think about it brub. It will be me that get’s into trouble, and I’d rather not deal with that today.
Oh yeah and this is dad’s favorite thing. His garden. He started these plants in his hydro-pon-ic (again this is one of those what-ever moments) garden in the black hole of our house that they call a basement.
If you look really close, you can see the beginning of a hot pepper.
Oh well, hope your day is full of pretty flowers, and sweet faces. My lucky mom’s is.
We love you all, Quig the flower slayer and Annie the wise.
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