The dreaded bucket has raised it’s ugly head again. It’s been pretty dry around here lately and because of that, we haven’t had to endure this torture.

But today, we are having some rain, and on top of it, dad’s making new beds for plants. Personally I think the beds are soft enough, and muddy enough and just wet enough for my tiny feet to lightly dance across. Oh but that means I have to endure this.

Brub was a little smarter that I was and he didn’t get muddy. But he hates the bucket even more than me, sooooooooo he did his normal,(I’ll just hide under the table and look the other way) You know the old if I can’t see them, then they can’t see me.

But while he’s hiding, (Some protector he is) I am now getting my front paws done. Yuck.,,,,,

I looked to mom for a little help, but as you can see, it didn’t work.
But now they (my pretty little toes) are clean, and pretty soon they’ll let me back in the living room.
Hope your day is sunny and your feet are dry and you big ones let you back on the couch soon.
Love, Annie and her non protector brother Quig.
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