Friday, April 27, 2012

And then there was sleep

Success was obtained. As soon as zombie John came home from work, zombie Camille helped him to see if kiddies would walk the stairs. Annie figured what the heck, mom goes up there and nothing bad seems to happen to her----so up she came. Quigley on the other hand was somewhat more reserved. He had to think about it a moment, but then we all were doing it, and he is a guy that likes a good time, so slowly up he came. And then it was on, we have a baby gate to keep them off of the steps, and he was figuring he could jump it, if we would just look away.
So night came and J and the kids made there way up, no problem. We did some sniffing, some jumping off and on the bed, and then settling down happened. Annie did some really smart or should I say out smarting, but that is a story for another day. As night wore on, the two of them were sleeping side by side on a blanket on the floor. Every once in awhile, we would feel a jump, a kiss and then off again. So all in all success was obtained.

C and J

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