Friday, May 31, 2013

I can finally stop worrying…


DSC02230Well we are back from the vet’s office. And as usual, Quig had a wonderful time. He jumped and kissed, twirled around and just generally smiled.

Me I worried. They take him away from me, every  time. They take him into the back, where they never let me go. Plus, mom said something about blood tests…..oh no.

DSC02231Anyway, we went, we saw, we conquered. Big Doc, said, that Quig has NO, did you hear that NO, clinical signs of the disease anymore………I am jumping through hoops with joy. And mom, well you know mom, she just keeps saying” Thank You God”…….

Quig, well, he’s just napping on the couch. Loving so many girls is hard work. We want to thank all of you for keeping him in your thoughts and prayers. Doc doesn’t thing we should ever have to deal with it again. A slight case that went away with medicine and care, and lots and lots of prayers.

May all your prayers come true. It is such a happy feeling.


Love you all bunches, Annie and a healthy Quigley

Keep a good thought…..Please

DSC02226Today is the day we go back to see Big Doc. I haven’t been there in a month. I got my last (Please God, as mom likes to say) Prednisone, on tuesday and will get my blood work done today. If all goes well, (again a Please God) I should be done with all this silliness.

So we would appreciate some good thoughts sent our way and a lot  of Please God’s, if you don’t mind. I have to admit, I can’t wait to see my girls.

Love, a little apprehensive. Quigley’s mom

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Just a couple of kids………….


DSC02225Enjoying the sun on a summer day.

DSC02228Well it seems to be official. Summer has arrived. We can tell by mom complaining all the time about how hot it is. We don’t agree, we love sitting on our deck’s ramp, in the sun. But oh how she fusses at us. “It’s too hot, babies, come in the house. You’re gonna have heat exhaustion if you don’t come in soon. Okay, that’s enough, in the house NOW,” Geez, all we wanted to do was bask at little.

DSC02229But one thing, when we come in we get our favorite treat. Ice Cubes. They are the best. I, Quigley, love them the most. Mom said I get at least 4 whole trays a day, all by my self. Oh, it’s a good life.

Hope your deck is warm, the sun is bright and your ice cube trays are full.

Love, the sun bathing beauties,

Quigley and Annie

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

It was a mistake, I swear-------


DSC02221Look at this face. Does it look like a little girl who would intentionally do------


I swear, it was an accident. I know this is, make that was, mom’s pillow. And that she loved it. It was old and used for many years, oh boy it was soft and smelled like her.

DSC02224But it also smelled like these, feathers…..yum. And I had to investigate. I mean, who knows what could have gotten in her pillow. I really thought I had gotten away with it too.

You can only imagine the surprise  when mom went upstairs to go to bed last night and she found feathers ALL over her side of the bed, and MY surprise when she got mad. But to her credit, she never said one word about it to me. I did hear her complaining to dad though. Whoops, I made a mistake.

The pillow is gone now, so I figure I’m safe.

Who knew???

Love, the feather covered Annie……

Monday, May 27, 2013

You’d think I NEVER do anything.


DSC_1529This seems to be my mom and dad’s favorite view of me. I’m sure you all think this is all I do.  Not so. I can wiggle my tail like nothing you’ve ever seen. It goes round and round and round, really fast. Just like a helicopter. At least that is what mom calls it.

I bounce when I walk, I make people smile, I run with my sissy and sometimes at her. (That last one makes mom crazy) I could sniff out the smallest of birds and sometimes fish bones. Oh boy is that a story.

You see we have a fish pond ie doggy pool come this summer. And our one big fish got caught in the pump. I guess it didn’t make it because the neighborhood cat (oh yeah, I forgot about that one, I chase cats that come in my yard) must have gotten it, right before we came out for our last run of the day. Mom is guessing that we scared that darned cat so bad, it dropped the bones. You’ll never guess who found it—yup ME, oh don’t feel bad for sissy, I shared.

You wouldn’t believe how good nasty old fish bones smell to a nose as big as the one I’ve got. And I couldn’t help my self, I just had to roll and roll and roll in it. Of course I decided to show off to mom as soon as I came back into the house.

Her reaction, was not what I wanted. She started yelling “oh no, what did you do”, not quite the reaction I expected. Then she sprayed me with something that smelled really bad-at least to me. And then, they gave me a mini bath. Oh the indignities.

So learn a lesson from me, just keep your nose tucked under your foot. You’ll get into a lot less trouble that way.

Love you bunches with his nose tucked safely away,


Saturday, May 25, 2013

People let me tell you’ bout my best friend.


DSC02203It’s true, we just love each other. We play, we share, we run, really hard. We’re just plain old best friends. We came here together, and we knew each other then, and liked each other. But now, well we’re just inseparable. Mom says that’s a good thing, we say, it’s a great thing.

Mom said this is Memorial day weekend. Wow, it get’s to have a whole weekend to celebrate this day. Summer officially has arrived, (although it’s only 34 degrees here), but mom said that the real reason we celebrate, is , friendship. I guess there were people who gave up everything to protect us, to keep us safe. That makes our friendship seem small. So even these two little dogs say THANK YOU. You made it safe not only for the wonderful people of our world, but for even the little creatures of our land.

May all of you, all over the world, who come to visit us every day, be safe and happy. May everyone celebrating Memorial day be laughing and eating and remembering all of those who came before us and gave so much.

Friendship is a wonderful thing, and we cherish yours.

So off for a happy and safe and friendship filled summer.

We love you all, the

the very thankful, dynamic duo,

Quigley and Annie

Friday, May 24, 2013

Oh the stress of writing a blog.

DSC02208Okay, so I know you all think mom listen’s to what we say, or watch what we do and then puts it into human words for all of you to read. NOT SO. As you can see here, I slave over the stress of it. Typing with paws instead of fingers is no easy task. But I persevere and when it’s finally done, I rest.
DSC02212Of course I need to check my nails. Typing is so hard on mani –pedi’s when you’re a pooch. But my love for all of you keeps me going on.
Have a wonderful day before the holiday weekend. And know that you are much more important than any mani-pedi any day.
Love you from the top of my head to the tip of my toes,

Thursday, May 23, 2013

These don’t look like dogs to us…….


DSC_1516These are the water lilies that grow in our pond (ie dog swimming pool). They only bloom early summer/late spring.


DSC_1522Mom just loves the way they look, and for a nano second, she may have forgotten, how beautiful we are. But no worries, we always end up in her face and making her smile.

DSC_1523This is our view of it, when we are standing on the ledge waiting for the perfect moment to jump in……I didn’t mean jump in, I, I meant when we accidentally fall in. Oh boy, time to move on.

Here’s to a yellow Iris day, with a cool place to relax in (hee hee)

Love you all,

Annie and Quigley

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

When I grow up,


DSC02201I want to be a dentist.

I’ve been thinking. And it seems I always like to check people’s mouths. When mom goes to kiss me, I like to do a quick lick to make sure her teeth are clean. I know it’s a little yukky, but I just can’t seem to help myself. And then there’s sissy. At times like these, I have to actually get into her mouth to make sure it’s clear of anything bad.

I think it may be a good career choice for me. It’s never to soon to start thinking.

I’ll be sure to let you know when I hang my sign. You all will get preferential treatment. A special kiss, to make the scary go away.

Have a wonderful day, and say a prayer for those poor tornado victims in Oklahoma. I wish there was something I could do for them.

May all your dreams come true, and you teeth be shinny and clean,

Love, Quigley dds to be

Monday, May 20, 2013

It’s the lazy, hazy, days of summer. And mom’s a grump……..


DSC02190Well it’s 6 o’clock in the morning, and really what is up with mom. Last night I was feeling a little needy. That rarely happens to me, but I felt it was important to get a little close to her and let her know just how much I love her.

So out of the blue in this moment of tranquil love, I hear “geeze Annie, can’t you move. Annie, get your feet out of my face. Annie go see your dad already. Annie you’re killing me, I have to put the fan on. (she already had the two, yup I said two air conditioners on). So I did what any self respecting dog would do, I sat on her and kissed her face until she cried uncle.

I just can’t figure that gal out, she’s normally so loving, but last night a big, old grump. I didn’t get any sleep at all.

But it’s okay I’ll just make up for it this morning.

Hope all your people are not grumpy today. And that your nights be full of non-disrupted dreams.

Loving you, snoozy Annie

Friday, May 17, 2013

And they wonder why…….

DSC02184I heard dad say that I’m just a big ole tongue covered in fur. I’m guessing he said that, because I like to kiss them. But geeze, take a look at this life we live. I’m so comfy in this first picture that my back foot is pushed up against my cheek. I can make myself really small when I’ve a mind.
DSC02188And check out the girl dog. If you look close, there is a BIG wet spot on the pillow she is laying on, the girl do love to lick……..Anyway she’s sprawled out in a way fit for a queen. Okay, so around here she is a queen. But we figure we deserve it. After all, who makes them laugh, worry, giggle, and just licked? It's us that’s who, and who deserves it more than them. The givers of walks, and pillows, couch’s, big beds. Of Ice cubes (my favorite thing) and Taste of the Wild dog food-oh yummy, it tastes like salmon. The giver of belly rubs, and scrunchy faces. The parents that’s who.
The way we figure we are one lucky bunch. two dogs, two people and  one whole lot of love.
Wishing you dry pillows, the wet one’s are really annoying, and smiles that you can share.
Love, the curled up Quigley and Queen Annie, until tomorrow

Monday, May 13, 2013

It’s so hard to be-----us.


DSC02181Well it was the end of mothers day, and we spent it being adorable for mom. It was all we could do, since dad wouldn’t let us cook or bake anything, we decided to just be cute.

This is a new toy that mom bought for us a few days ago, and as you can see we just love it.

DSC02182Annie loves to hog it up, but if I just bide my time, she usually falls asleep and I can have a turn. It pays off to be patient in this house.

DSC02183The hover craft is flying over me, just look at that stare. She doesn’t scare me though, I’m still bigger than her, even if she is the boss.

Hope that you had so much fun on Mothers day that you fell asleep on the couch with a toy in your mouth, or at least a smile on your lips.

Love and giggles,

Annie and Quigley

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mothers day!!!


DSC02159Before I get to that, this is me pleading for an ice cube. Please dad, please. They are now my most favorite thing in the world (chewing wise that is) And quite honestly, I can get mom to give them to me with a look, a turn of my head, just standing in front of the fridge. But dad, he’s more hard core, so I had to resort to begging.

DSC02169But now to the topic at hand. Happy Mothers day to all the mothers out there. Mothers to 4 legged creatures as well as 2 legged ones.

DSC02173We have to tell you having a mother is one fine thing. They love you to pieces and let you do just about anything, as long as it won’t hurt you.

DSC02175Or your sister or brother. Sometimes they even let you live after hurting them. Sis and I were out in the yard the other evening. We were having a wonderful time, running hard, chasing each other, and hearing mom say, “you better not run into me.”

DSC02178Now what we heard was “go ahead, run into me.” And we did. Boy did she flop down fast and then when she was laying on the ground, it looked like when she is in bed in the morning, waiting for us to wake her up. So we did what we always do, we jumped on her and covered her face with kisses. Now this is where it gets confusing. She didn’t seem to like it at all. She started talking really loud-honestly I think she scared the neighbor-about how she might kill us when she got up. Again we thought she said kiss us, so we were even more confused.

But as you see, all is well, she is okay minus a few bruises on her legs. And we are safe and sound in a home with a momma that still loves us.

So we are wishing you a wonderful day, where no one knocks you down. But still covers your faces with kisses.

Love and nuzzles,

the very lucky, Quigley and Annie

Friday, May 10, 2013

It’s a Bucket day in Pa.

DSC02146The dreaded bucket has raised it’s ugly head again. It’s been pretty dry around here lately and because of that, we haven’t had to endure this torture.
DSC02150But today, we are having some rain, and on top of it, dad’s making new beds for plants. Personally I think the beds are soft enough, and muddy enough and just wet enough for my tiny feet to lightly dance across. Oh but that means I have to endure this.
DSC02152Brub was a little smarter that I was and he didn’t get muddy. But he hates the bucket even more than me, sooooooooo he did his normal,(I’ll just hide under the table and look the other way) You know the old if I can’t see them, then they can’t see me.
DSC02153But while he’s hiding, (Some protector he is) I am now getting my front paws done. Yuck.,,,,,
DSC02155I looked to mom for a little help, but as you can see, it didn’t work.
But now they (my pretty little toes) are clean, and pretty soon they’ll let me back in the living room.
Hope your day is sunny and your feet are dry and you big ones let you back on the couch soon.
Love, Annie and her non protector brother Quig.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

A little more of Ohiopyle


DSC_1428Good morning all, we just wanted to share a little more of Ohiopyle. This little butterfly (that we spotted first, by the way) decided to pose for dad. It stayed right where you see it for quite awhile, while dad fiddled with his big, black hangy thing. (He calls it a camera, what weird words they use)

DSC_1479Below is another picture of Ohiopyle that we wanted to share, but let me tell you, we were tired little puppies when we got home. Here I am snuggled under the picnic table on our deck.

DSC_1486With my sweet sissy staying close and keeping an eye on me.

We are trying to see why dad has to work. We much prefer having him close all the time. It’s so hard training him, when he leaves everyday for such a long time.

DSC_1434Just think about it, we could do this walk every day if only he’d sit and stay, where he belongs.

Hope your fields are green, and your loved ones close,

Love and licks,

Quigley and Annie

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Featuring------The Yard----


DSC02136This is mom’s Wisteria. She thinks it is beautiful, me-I think it tastes good. I know, I know it’s not food, but it smells heavenly.

DSC02141Now this is mom’s other favorite. It is a tree peony. This one doesn’t last as long—No, not because I eat it, just because, well it just doesn’t live long.

DSC02143That’s me, peeking at that Peony. It is pretty, but I have to pick my battles. And this one, I just let slide.

DSC02144Annie’s doing her, don’t even think about it brub. It will be me that get’s into trouble, and I’d rather not deal with that today.

DSC02145Oh yeah and this is dad’s favorite thing. His garden. He started these plants in his hydro-pon-ic (again this is one of those what-ever moments) garden in the black hole of our house that they call a basement.

If you look really close, you can see the beginning of a hot pepper.

Oh well, hope your day is full of pretty flowers, and sweet faces. My lucky mom’s is.

We love you all, Quig the flower slayer and Annie the wise.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

It was an incredible day at Ohiopyle.

DSC_1418The sun was out, the air was clean and we were there. It has been so long since the tall ones (okay is that a joke or what? Have you seen our people? No one calls them tall) took us up there to walk. But our noses sure remembered it. There were lots of people riding those two wheeled objects. (Mom called them bikes) But they all seemed nice. One lady said we have soft faces. She should feel our fir if she thinks our faces are soft.
DSC_1421Poor Quig, got tied to a post, I think he got a little nervous when mom and I started off again, as if we’d ever leave him behind. Dad had to do that so he could take some fancy pants pictures with his fancy pants new camera.
We walked a long time, but we didn’t get tired. Never show a sign of weakness, or they will use it to your disadvantage. We had a good time, and since we were so good, I’m sure we will be going back again before long.
Hope your Sunday was as happy as ours and that all your days be filled with love, sunshine and soft faces.
Love, Annie and her wonderful brother, Quig.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

It’s always good to have your friends close.


DSC02131So I know to the rest of the world, these are scraps. But in our reality, and isn’t our reality all that matters?--These are toys. Precious and much loved toys.

DSC02132Okay, so they may be just bits and pieces of toys. But they are toys non the less. Now don’t feel sorry for us, mom and dad, try really hard to let us have toys. But it only takes a few minutes and they look like this.

Being the super smart boy that I am, I’ve found a way to use them to their best advantage. As nose warmers. I hate to have a cold nose, (I know, I know dogs are suppose to have a cold nose) but I like to keep mine warm. This worked real well, never thought I’d get busted though.

Oh well the sun is out already this morning and we’re suppose to have a walk, so it’s going to be a good day.

Wishing you a warm nose, toys to surround you and as much love as we feel from all of you.

Snuggles, and wiggles


Friday, May 3, 2013

I don’t know why they call me Diva.


DSC02129So I’m a girl who knows what she likes. I like soft.--- Pillows, couch’s, big beds. What is wrong with that. Just because I like to sleep along the pillows over top of mom and dad’s head, does that make me spoiled? I think not.

DSC02130Here I am helping dad play his game. I just don’t know what the attraction to that game is, but he loves it. Honestly, Quig does a much better job of helping him shoot. When dad is deep in the game, Quigley likes to come over and hit his hand to make him shoot, even when he doesn’t want to.

So back to me, do any of you think I am a Diva? I thought not, I’m just a pretty little girl, who’s mom and dad love her, just the way she deserves.

May you always have a soft pillow to lay on, and a heart that loves you the best.

Oh, that heart is mine,

Love to you all,


Thursday, May 2, 2013

She”s home


DSC_1358We had a really wonderful time with dad. <Don’t tell mom.> And to be honest I (Quigley) punished her for going away. But to be equally honest, we are really glad she came back. We weren’t sure if she would ,as  it seemed like she was gone for years.

She had a really good time with Aunt Maria, and said she wants to go again soon, buttttttttttttttttttt we may have to work on that. We aren’t sure that is a great idea.

May all of you have the people you love right where you can see them, and the sun shine on you all day long.

Love, Quigley and Annie