Monday, March 30, 2015

Our mom left us------


065Do you think this pose is cute enough to get her to come home again? She usually stops and rubs my belly when I do this, but what about when she is staying somewhere else?

I know sometimes she wants to go see Aunt Maria, and we can’t go because dad just can’t be alone. He needs us to take care of him, to make sure he goes for walks, eats regularly, goes to bed on time. So we stayed home and she left us.

We did all we promised to do, and prayed she would come back home sooner than later.

And joy of all joy, she did. She came back home today and we jumped for joy, ran around in circles, and kissed her face. It’s nice to have our little family all together again.

I am a little worried tho, we did such a good job taking care of dad, does that mean she is going to go away again?????


Help us keep our momma home,

Love, Annie

Saturday, March 28, 2015

We LOVE to go to the bank

084They have really cool stuff there. Big poles with strange boxes in them. And when we watch really close—like now
085sometimes the nice girls that work inside the building see us.
087And they send us these wonderful treats. Being absolutely adorable works a lot of the time in our lives and this definitely is one of them. Don’t worry about dad’s fingers, I understand gentle.
Hope you have a day full of friends giving you treats, that’s one of our favorite days,
Love a satisfied,
Quigley and Annie

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

she said “it’s that time of the year again”


121She told dad, he didn’t believe her. She told him again, and he laughed at her, saying it’s only March.

I didn’t understand, until he called her into the kitchen the next day and said those really bad words………Quigley’s got a tick. Now I’m not sure what I told you so means, but mom said it over and over and over again. It seemed a little bit of overkill if you ask me, cause it was just one little tick.

But mom had to hold my face while dad pulled it out. Oh she cooed and kissed me, told me what a good boy I am, and I even got a treat when it was all over. but---

Then they had to put the medicine on my neck, and I don’t like the smell, and it makes me sad, and I pout and fuss. And then for a full day I look sad, just like in my picture.

But not to worry, I am all better now. I’m happy and dancing around. And don’t have to think about ticks or that smelly medicine for one whole month.

So here’s to not being sad, and mom never having to say I told you so to dad ever again.

Love the tickless,


Sunday, March 15, 2015

What the heck, is that------


20150312_113552I’m not sure just what I’m looking at. It’s bright and yellow and just a little bit warm……….

Could it be that thing called the sun?


20150312_113608Mom said it would happen, and it did. Her biggest complaint now is we just don’t want to come in the house. Now quite honestly, she doesn’t mind my being out. What with how quiet I am. I just sit and enjoy the sun, BUT sissy, now that is another thing.


Oh yeah, she looks all quiet and sweet here, but the minute mom is out of sight, doing something important, or just fun, she starts. She barks and fusses, she chases bunny’s and cats. She carries on so much that I have to get into it and try to stop her. That just makes mom even crazier, cause then I start making noise, and you all know that is just not in my character. But a boy’s got to do what he has to do to protect his sister.

Anyway, the buds are starting to come out and the bunnies and doves are back, so we are sure that means Spring is here. We hope it’s pretty and bright and warm wherever you are.

We love you, and hope to be stopping in more now that the sun found it’s way back to our house. We were beginning to think we made it mad…….and might never come back again.

Happy days,

Quigley and his noisy , nosey sister, Annie

Thursday, March 5, 2015

The last snow of the season????????


20150305_062812It sure is pretty---------

20150305_063551but not as pretty as me in the snow.

20150305_063604We woke up to at least 6 inch’s of snow this morning, and mom and dad may not be thrilled, but we sure are.

Something was on my deck last night, I can smell it, maybe if I dig a little deeper, I’ll figure out what it was.

20150305_063620Sissy said it was the street cats. She thinks her smeller is better than mine, but since mine is so much bigger, I think she is wrong.

20150305_072221You have to admit it sure is pretty, but soon, this wisteria will be covered with beautiful lilac flowers, and full of singing birds. At least that is what mom is wishing for.


May your day be beautiful, and a lot warmer than ours.

Love, the biggest snow bunnies you will ever see,

Quigley and his sissy,  Annie