Sunday, March 15, 2015

What the heck, is that------


20150312_113552I’m not sure just what I’m looking at. It’s bright and yellow and just a little bit warm……….

Could it be that thing called the sun?


20150312_113608Mom said it would happen, and it did. Her biggest complaint now is we just don’t want to come in the house. Now quite honestly, she doesn’t mind my being out. What with how quiet I am. I just sit and enjoy the sun, BUT sissy, now that is another thing.


Oh yeah, she looks all quiet and sweet here, but the minute mom is out of sight, doing something important, or just fun, she starts. She barks and fusses, she chases bunny’s and cats. She carries on so much that I have to get into it and try to stop her. That just makes mom even crazier, cause then I start making noise, and you all know that is just not in my character. But a boy’s got to do what he has to do to protect his sister.

Anyway, the buds are starting to come out and the bunnies and doves are back, so we are sure that means Spring is here. We hope it’s pretty and bright and warm wherever you are.

We love you, and hope to be stopping in more now that the sun found it’s way back to our house. We were beginning to think we made it mad…….and might never come back again.

Happy days,

Quigley and his noisy , nosey sister, Annie

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