Saturday, May 17, 2014

you should have heard the carrying on………


DSC02961So the other evening, mom was trying to cook. Now I say trying because, it seems dad was in the way.

He had just gotten home from work and when he is away he misses all of us. So he likes to be right in the middle of the chaos. We like it too. We jump and kiss and run around like wild animals (mom’s words, not ours) and that is where the chaos ensues.

So as this is all going on and mom is trying to get her work done, we heard a loud yell. Our mom is so accident prone, (our words, not hers). It seems she walked into dad’s BIG Fat shoe, and she broke her toe. Now the funny thing, at least to us, is dad was still wearing that shoe. How in the heck didn’t she see him?

We got out of there really fast, and decided looking innocent was the way to go.

She’s okay now, a little black toe is kind of cute, don’t you think?

Anyway, wear your shoes even in the house so your little piggy’s stay safe.

Love the innocent,

at least this time,

Annie and Quigley

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