Thursday, January 10, 2013

Mom says I must have been a Doctor in a past life.

If that is true, I must have been a pretty lousy one. I came back as a dog for heaven’s sake. But that is a story for another day.

Okay, the reason she said that is, I’m really in to checking out sneezes. They are loud, at least in this house they are, and they open their mouths really wide when they do that.

Soooooooooooooooo I figure it’s my duty as head guard dog, to check it out. Since they usually sneeze at least twice, it gives me time to stick my nose in their mouths.

They don’t like that very much, (I’m not so sure why) but it is the only way I can see what is going on.They say it is going to be a bad flu season, so just give me a call if you need a close up look.

Stay healthy, but know I’m here if you need me,
Love, Dr. Annie

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