Thursday, July 31, 2014

Home again----


DSC00077and missing Andy. Oh we miss Camille and Shelli and the horses and especially the cows----but I really miss Andy.

That boy could run, and they have so much grass to roll and get wet in, well it’s a dogs dream.

But we are home now and it’s nice to have sissy to play with, and dad has more time for us, and mom----

Lets talk about mom. Before we went on our little trip, she use to make us Chicken every other day, in lots of water. She would save the water and that would be our water to drink. She had tons of containers in the fridge (which she said took up way to much space) and then when we wanted water, that is what we got.

But now that she saw how other dogs live, she decided we could just have dry dog food and regular water. Sissy tried to out wait her and force her hand, but she just won’t give in. Me—I don’t mind, I’ll eat or drink anything, but it sure is hard on Annie.

Don’t worry about her though, she sneaks water outside and when no one is looking she eats her dry food.

Such a diva.

Hope you get Chicken water if you want, and that all your needs are met.

Love the Quigley boy and his sister Annie

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