Monday, June 3, 2013

I'm hiding------

No picture today, because I'm hiding. Oh boy, I'm in trouble again. You see, it's like this. The bedroom door to our bedroom ( mine and Quig's as well as mom and dad) usually stays open. At least until yesterday morning. Now for some reason, it stays closed.
I like to go up there for my naps, early morning, mid morning, after lunch, early afternoon, well you get the idea. So after my first or second nap, mom came up to do her face, as she likes to say. And I had seemed to mess the bed a little, so she was fixing it, and I heard her yell. Annie, What did you dooooooooooooooooo?
I wasn't too sure what she was talking about, but I high tailed it out of there anyway. It seems they don't appreciate my redesigning of their sheets. It smelled just like dad, and I started licking it, and then got a little carried away. Okay, I may have chewed it some, alright a lot. There is quite a nice size hole in it, but I think it looks new and snazzy.....
But that's why I'm in hiding.

Surely they will forget about it soon.....
Love, don't tell where I am,

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