Sunday, June 23, 2013

It was a sad time for us.


DSC02237Mom and dad left us last night. We knew something was up, when they got dressed fancy. They NEVER do that. And mom put on shoes we NEVER saw before.

They both looked real pretty and smelled good too. So off they went without a how do you do…..

This is the back story. Mom went to a school called St. Mary’s. It was a small, catholic school, that in her memory was huge. She went there for 8 years with pretty much the same 40 kids. They were very close those kids but hadn’t seen each other for the last 50 years. Until last night.

Two of her classmates, Ricky Snyder and Bobby Dvorchak  decided that they could make a reunion.Okay, now we are just dogs, so we aren’t sure what a reunion is, unless it is the way we felt when they finally came home.

Mom got to see so many of her old friends. Dad took lots of pictures. She said she can’t remember the last time she smiled so much. And something about crying happy tears too. She told dad how happy she was to not have missed it. He wanted to know what “it”. She said the reunion and her childhood. She was so blessed with the one she got. What with the special kids she grew up with, the nuns that guided her and a mother who made it all happen. Sometime you just can’t deny, Life is Good.

Well they are home and life, as we know it, is back to normal. But mom’s life, well, I think it might just be a little sweeter.

Here’s wishing you all, the reunion of your dreams. May all your old friends remember you with the love, that mom remembers her’s. And may all your days be filled with love,

The very satisfied, (that they are back and we aren’t letting them out again)

Annie and Quigley

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