Monday, November 19, 2012

Decorating is a HARD thing.

DSC01531Oh boy, did we have a day yesterday. Dad walked us early. A nice long, fun walk. Then when we came home,and before we knew it, they started that decorating stuff. Well as you all know, they are not allowed to  do anything without our supervision. We must, at all times, be in close proximity to them. (mom calls it “up their butts”) I do get the feeling, she doesn’t like it.
So first thing they did was the “fishing village”—where do they get these idea’s—then they brought a HUGE box up. I am guessing that last year they mutilated a tree and decided to save it. It was cut up into large limbs and had a green post for the base. I am thinking it took a long time to cut up so they just decided to  keep it.
Anyway, they started putting it together, THAT, took some time, and brub and I couldn’t figure why???????? But they were adamant about it. So we just had to let them have at it.
Once they got it up mom put lots of stuff on it. The tree lights up and it does look kind of nice. Every once in awhile, we check it out, but then we hear a loud NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO,
DSC01533It was all just too much for me. This is what happened when we were finally done. Whew---------way too much work for a couple of little dogs to do.
I’ll get some pictures of the work we did later.
Get cracken with your decorating……this Christmas thing is right around the corner.
If you need help, just call mom. Our decorating days are done.
Love, Annie

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