Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The morning after the election.

DSC01486Okay we are really tired. Not because we stayed up late watching the returns (what ever that is—return what?)

DSC01487But because dad got a bigggggggggggggg thing out of the dark hole they call the basement. He really does lose it sometime. Let me set this up for you. It was late, mom had been in bed for an hour already and dad went into the hole. He was making lots and lots of noise, so brub and I had to go investigate. Now that was hard, because we don’t like that place and we can only go down one step.

DSC01488So we patiently sat at the top, leaning over like vultures (that’s mom’s word, we don’t know what vultures are) Any hooo, Up comes dad holding a large, well, thing. It had 3 legs and a long something on top. Dad told us it was a telescope. Whatever…..

DSC01489So we all went, out into the dark and cold, so dad could see the lines of Jupiter. Again I don’t know what lines are, or what a Jupiter is, but it made dad happy, so we stood our ground on watch. We kept him safe and helped him smile. I am beginning to believe that is our life’s goal. Keep the big guy happy and healthy.

So anyway that is why we are soooooooooooooooo tired this morning. It takes a lot out of a dog to have so much to do.
Be happy,
Love, Annie and Quigley

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