Thursday, July 11, 2013

Oh what a night….


DSC02381It was wild here last night. Stuff happened that we never saw before. Let me give you a little back story.

Mom and dad went out to eat to celebrate. Leaving us alone, not a good thing. Anyway when they got home we all went out to walk. There was a nice breeze, (that should have been a warning) and mom saw a dog that she said made us look NOT pretty—WHAT??????? Okay so this dog was magnificent, but you should know he was also an Aussie.

We weren’t home very long when the wind really started up.It was wild and luckily fast. But, the lights went out. Without mom or dad turning them off. It got real dark and my fan stopped working. I kept going over to it, to let them know MY Fan wasn’t working. But they just wouldn’t put it back on.

DSC02389Dad braved out into the bad weather. We couldn’t understand why he left mom and us alone in the dark. But she kept telling us it would be okay. After awhile he came home and went into the garage. I kept watch at the door to make sure he was okay, and after a long time, a big noise happened. And then again, without any help from mom lights came back on. Mom kept saying one reason she keeps dad is, he knows how to run the generator….?..

Anyway as you can see, I took care of everything and when the lights came back on, I soothed mom. You can see her pink toe nails in the background. She says that as long as her toe’s are pink all is well.

Hope you are safe and dry and that your toe nails are always pink.

Love the safe and still beautiful,


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