Saturday, June 30, 2012

Oh the indignities

DSC00530Okay so we went on a long walk this morning. I made dad so proud. We did 4 laps around, 3 of them up the hill. If mom had been there, even if we had done 4 laps, none of them would have been up hill.It’s not that she is lazy legs as I called her yesterday (she made me say that), it’s just her legs are old, oh yeez, I’m gonna be in trouble again.

Anyway, we get home and I made the mistake of going under the deck. Old habits die hard. So dad decides he has to wash my feet. As you can see, I don’t care for it too much. Again, I think mom made him do it, it’s surprising I love her so much.

And then, they found this. Can you believe it, it was outside our gate. Dad thought it might need a drink, so he put it in our bird bath. He did let it go, but I got a little worried. It seems that they like to bring home strays. Oh well, after walks, we do naps. So I have to go.

Happy day,
Love Quigley, and Annie who is already asleep

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